
I don't have boost on my Windows, so I made a very similar program just using MPI, and everything works just fine for me:

D:\work\OpenMPI\tests\CXX>more hello.cpp

# include "mpi.h"

using namespace std;

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  int rank, size;

  MPI::Init ( argc, argv );
  size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size ( );
  rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank ( );

  printf("Process # %d \n", rank);

  MPI::Finalize ( );
  return 0;

D:\work\OpenMPI\tests\CXX>mpirun -np 3 hello.exe : -np 3 hello.exe
Process # 2
Process # 4
Process # 0
Process # 3
Process # 5
Process # 1

May be something related to boost?


On 2010-11-30 12:05 PM, Hicham Mouline wrote:
I have successfully run mpirun -np 3 .\test.exe when I try MPMP mpirun -np 3 .\test.exe : -np 3 .\test2.exe where test and test2 are identical (just for a trial), I get this error: [hostname:04960] [[47427,1],0]-[[47427,0],0] mca_oob_tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() failed: Unknown error (10057)
[hostname:04960] [[47427,1],0] routed:binomial: Connection to lifeline 
[[47427,0],0] lost

Granted this uses boost::mpi, but it worked for SPMD, and the source for the 
main function is trivial:


namespace mpi = boost::mpi;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
   mpi::communicator world;

   std::cout<<  "Process #"<<  world.rank()<<  " says"<<  std::endl;
   return 0;

as far as I understand, there should be 1 world with 6 processes, ranking 0 1 2 
,  3 4 5


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