Sorry, one more question: I don't completely understand the version numbering, but can/will this fix go into 1.5.1 at some point? I notice that the trunk is labeled as 1.7.

Thanks again

Jesse Ziser wrote:
It turned out I was using development version 1.5.0. After going back to the release version, I found that there was another problem on my end, which had nothing to do with OpenMPI. So thanks for the help; all is well. (And sorry for the belated reply.)

Ralph Castain wrote:
After digging around a little, I found that you must be using the OMPI devel trunk as no release version contains this code. I also looked to see why it was done, and found that the concern was with an inadvertent sigpipe that can occur internal to OMPI due to a race condition.

So I modified the trunk a little. We will ignore the first few sigpipe errors we get, but will then abort with an appropriate error.


On Nov 24, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Jesse Ziser wrote:


I've noticed that OpenMPI does not seem to detect when something downstream of it fails. Specifically, I think it does not handle SIGPIPE or pass it down to its young, but it still prints an error message every time it occurs.

For example, running a command like this:

 mpirun -np 1 ./mpi-cat </dev/zero | dd bs=1 count=1 >/dev/null

(where mpi-cat is just a simple program that initializes MPI and then copies its input to its output) hangs after the dd quits, and produces an eternity of repetitions of this error message:

 [[35845,0],0] reports a SIGPIPE error on fd 13

I am unsure whether this is the intended behavior, but it certainly seems unfortunate from my persepective. Is there any way to make it exit nicely, preferably with a single error, whenever what it's trying to write to doesn't exist anymore? I think I could even submit a patch to make it quit on SIGPIPE, if it is agreed that that makes sense.

Here's the source for my mpi-cat example:

 #include <stdio.h>

 #include <mpi.h>

 int main (int iArgC, char *apArgV [])
     int iRank;

     MPI_Init (&iArgC, &apArgV);

     MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iRank);

     if (iRank == 0)
             if(putchar(getchar()) < 0)

     MPI_Finalize ();

     return (0);

Thank you,

Jesse Ziser
Applied Research Laboratories:
The University of Texas at Austin
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