I figured out the problem, which is described herein, it might be useful for someone else. The problem stems from ompi_local_slave option being set on its own in the MPI_Info structure. It seems that MPI_Info_create is using a shift or more likely a masking operation (depending upon the size of some type, which in turn depends upon the underlying architecture), which sets the ompi_local_slave bit to high. As a result, "jdata->controls" has it's ORTE_JOB_CONTROL_LOCAL_SLAVE bit set high, see plm_rsh_module.c (line 1065) for the problem. I took the easy solution and set the ompi_local_slave to "no" in the Info structure and that solves the problem. Maybe this needs further investigation.


On 1/21/11 7:22 PM, Avinash Malik wrote:


         I have compiled openmpi-1.5.1 as a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit
         architecture. I have a problem using MPI_Comm_spawn and
         MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple, when MPI_Info is used as a non NULL
         (MPI_INFO_NULL) parameter. I get a segmentation fault. I have
         the exact same code running fine on a 32-bit machine. I cannot
         use the 64-bit openmpi due to problems with other software,
         which uses openmpi, but can only be compiled in the 32-bit mode.

         I am attaching all the information, in a .tgz file. The .tgz
         file consists of:

         (1) The c-code for a small example two files parent.c and
         (2) The compile_command that I ran on a 64-bit machine.
         (3) The run command to run the system
        compiling openmpi-1.5.1.
         (4) ompi_info_all
         (5) The error that I get, it's a segmentation fault.


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