Dear OpenMPI users and developers,

i'm using OpenMPI 1.4.3 and Intel compiler. My simple application require 3
line arguments to work. If i use the follow command:

mpirun -np 2 ./a.out a b "c d"

It works well.

Debugging my application with Totalview:

mpirun -np 2 --debug  ./a.out a b "c d"

Argument parsing doesn't work well. Arguments passed are:

a b c d

and not

a b "c d"

I think there is an issue in parsing the arguments invoking Totalview. Is
this a bug into mpirun or i need to do it in other way?

Thanks in forward.

Ing. Gabriele Fatigati

Parallel programmer

CINECA Systems & Tecnologies Department

Supercomputing Group

Via Magnanelli 6/3, Casalecchio di Reno (BO) Italy                    Tel:   +39 051 6171722

g.fatigati [AT]

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