On Apr 3, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Laurence Marks wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Reuti <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:
>> Am 03.04.2011 um 23:59 schrieb David Singleton:
>>> On 04/04/2011 12:56 AM, Ralph Castain wrote:
>>>> What I still don't understand is why you are trying to do it this way. Why 
>>>> not just run
>>>> time mpirun -v -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH -np 2 -machinefile .machineN 
>>>> /home/lma712/src/Virgin_10.1/lapw1Q_mpi lapw1Q_1.def
>>>> where machineN contains the names of the nodes where you want the MPI apps 
>>>> to execute? mpirun will only execute apps on those nodes, so this 
>>>> accomplishes the same thing as your script - only with a lot less pain.
>>>> Your script would just contain a sequence of these commands, each with its 
>>>> number of procs and machinefile as required.
>>> Maybe I missed why this suggestion of forgetting about the ssh/pbsdsh 
>>> altogether
>>> was not feasible?  Just use mpirun (with its great tm support!) to 
>>> distribute
>>> MPI jobs.
>> Wien2k has a two stage startup, e.g. for 16 slots:
>> a) start 4 times `ssh` in the background to go to some of the granted nodes
>> b) use there on each node `mpirun` to start processes on the remaining 
>> nodes, 3 for each call
>> Problems:
>> 1) control `ssh` under Torque
>> 2) provide a partially hostlist to `mpirun`, maybe by disabling the default 
>> tight integration
>> -- Reuti
> 1) The mpi tasks can be started on only one node (Reuti, "setenv
> MPI_REMOTE 0" in parallel_options which was introduced for other
> reasons in 9.3 and later releases). That seems to be safe and maybe
> the only viable method with OMPI as pbsdsh appears to be unable to
> launch mpi tasks correctly (or needs some environmental variables that
> I don't know about).
> 2) This is already done (Reuti, this is .machine0, .machine1 etc. If
> you need information about setting up the Wien2k file under qsub in
> general, contact me offline or look for Machines2W on the mailing list
> which may be part of the next release, I'm not sure and I don't make
> those decisions).
> However, there is another layer that Ruedi did not mention for this
> code which is that some processes also need to be remotely launched to
> ensure that the correct scratch directories are used (i.e. local
> storage which is faster rather than nfs or similar). Maybe pbsdsh can
> be used for this, I am still testing and I am not sure. It may be
> enough to create a script with all important environmental variables
> exported (as they may not all be in .bashrc or .cshrc) although there
> might be issues making this fully portable. Since there are > 1000
> licenses of Wien2k, it has to be able to cope with different OS's, and
> not just OMPI.

Here is what I would do, based on my knowledge of OMPI's internals (and I wrote 
the launchers :-)):

1. do not use your script - you don't want all those PBS envars to confuse OMPI

2. mpirun -mca plm rsh -launch-agent pbsdsh -mca ras ^tm --machinefile m1....

This cmd line tells mpirun to use the "rsh/ssh" launcher, but to substitute 
"pbsdsh" for "ssh". It also tells it to ignore the PBS_NODEFILE and just use 
the machinefile for the nodes to be used for that job.

I can't swear this will work as I have never verified that pbsdsh and ssh have 
the same syntax, but I -think- that was true. If so, then this might do what 
you are attempting.

I know people have run Wien2k with OMPI before - but I have never heard of the 
problems you are reporting.

>>> A simple example:
>>> vayu1:~/MPI > qsub -lncpus=24,vmem=24gb,walltime=10:00 -wd -I
>>> qsub: waiting for job 574900.vu-pbs to start
>>> qsub: job 574900.vu-pbs ready
>>> [dbs900@v250 ~/MPI]$ wc -l $PBS_NODEFILE
>>> 24
>>> [dbs900@v250 ~/MPI]$ head -12 $PBS_NODEFILE > m1
>>> [dbs900@v250 ~/MPI]$ tail -12 $PBS_NODEFILE > m2
>>> [dbs900@v250 ~/MPI]$ mpirun --machinefile m1 ./a2a143 120000 30 & mpirun 
>>> --machinefile m2 ./pp143
>>> Check how the processes are distributed ...
>>> vayu1:~ > qps 574900.vu-pbs
>>> Node 0: v250:
>>> 11420 S  2104  10396  0.0 00:00:00  0.0 -tcsh
>>> 11421 S   620  10552  0.0 00:00:00  0.0 pbs_demux
>>> 12471 S  2208  49324  0.0 00:00:00  0.9 /apps/openmpi/1.4.3/bin/mpirun 
>>> --machinefile m1 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12472 S  2116  49312  0.0 00:00:00  0.0 /apps/openmpi/1.4.3/bin/mpirun 
>>> --machinefile m2 ./pp143
>>> 12535 R 270160 565668  1.0 00:00:02 82.4 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12536 R 270032 565536  1.0 00:00:02 81.4 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12537 R 270012 565528  1.0 00:00:02 87.3 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12538 R 269992 565532  1.0 00:00:02 93.3 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12539 R 269980 565516  1.0 00:00:02 81.4 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12540 R 270008 565516  1.0 00:00:02 86.3 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12541 R 270008 565516  1.0 00:00:02 96.3 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 12542 R 272064 567568  1.0 00:00:02 91.3 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> Node 1: v251:
>>> 10367 S  1872  40648  0.0 00:00:00  0.0 orted -mca ess env -mca 
>>> orte_ess_jobid 1444413440 -mca orte_ess_vpid 1 -mca orte_ess_num_procs 2 
>>> --hnp-uri "1444413440.0;tcp://"
>>> 10368 S  1868  40648  0.0 00:00:00  0.0 orted -mca ess env -mca 
>>> orte_ess_jobid 1444347904 -mca orte_ess_vpid 1 -mca orte_ess_num_procs 3 
>>> --hnp-uri "1444347904.0;tcp://"
>>> 10372 R 271112 567556  1.0 00:00:04 74.5 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 10373 R 271036 567564  1.0 00:00:04 71.5 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 10374 R 271032 567560  1.0 00:00:04 66.5 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 10375 R 273112 569612  1.1 00:00:04 68.5 ./a2a143 120000 30
>>> 10378 R 552280 840712  2.2 00:00:04 100 ./pp143
>>> 10379 R 552280 840708  2.2 00:00:04 100 ./pp143
>>> 10380 R 552328 841576  2.2 00:00:04 100 ./pp143
>>> 10381 R 552788 841216  2.2 00:00:04 99.3 ./pp143
>>> Node 2: v252:
>>> 10152 S  1908  40780  0.0 00:00:00  0.0 orted -mca ess env -mca 
>>> orte_ess_jobid 1444347904 -mca orte_ess_vpid 2 -mca orte_ess_num_procs 3 
>>> --hnp-uri "1444347904.0;tcp://"
>>> 10156 R 552384 840200  2.2 00:00:07 99.3 ./pp143
>>> 10157 R 551868 839692  2.2 00:00:06 99.3 ./pp143
>>> 10158 R 551400 839184  2.2 00:00:07 100 ./pp143
>>> 10159 R 551436 839184  2.2 00:00:06 98.3 ./pp143
>>> 10160 R 551760 839692  2.2 00:00:07 100 ./pp143
>>> 10161 R 551788 839824  2.2 00:00:07 97.3 ./pp143
>>> 10162 R 552256 840332  2.2 00:00:07 100 ./pp143
>>> 10163 R 552216 840340  2.2 00:00:07 99.3 ./pp143
>>> You would have to do something smarter to get correct process binding etc.
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> -- 
> Laurence Marks
> Department of Materials Science and Engineering
> MSE Rm 2036 Cook Hall
> 2220 N Campus Drive
> Northwestern University
> Evanston, IL 60208, USA
> Tel: (847) 491-3996 Fax: (847) 491-7820
> email: L-marks at northwestern dot edu
> Web: www.numis.northwestern.edu
> Chair, Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCR
> www.numis.northwestern.edu/
> Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
> nobody else has thought
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