On 2 April 2011 04:16, Ahsan Ali <ahsansha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I want to run WRF on multiple nodes in a linux cluster using openmpi,
> giving the command mpirun -np 4 ./wrf.exe just submit it to the single node
> . I don't know how to run it on other nodes as well. Help needed.

  you have a Dell cluster. Can we ask which company installed the
cluster, and who manages the cluster?
The company who installed it should have given you some documentation
on how to run MPI jobs.

Also can we ask if there is a batch scheduler or workload management
software on this cluster?
I ask because if there is PBS, Gridengine, LSF etc. installed there
will be an 'integration; with OpenMPI

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