My gzipp'ed config.log is attached.  Thanks!

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Jeff Squyres <> wrote:
> It should search both tmdir/lib and tmdir/lib64 by default, IIRC.
> Please send your config.log (please compress); it'll contain the specific 
> reason why configure didn't find libtorque.
> On May 2, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> It's probably looking for the torque lib in lib instead of lib64. There 
>> should be a configure option to tell it --with-tm-libdir or something like 
>> that - check "configure -h"
>> On May 2, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Jim Kusznir wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> I'm trying to build openmpi 1.4.3 against PGI 11.4 on my Rocks 5.1
>>> system.  My "tried and true" build command for OpenMPI is:
>>> CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC F77=pgf77 FC=pgf90 rpmbuild -bb --define
>>> 'install_in_opt 1' --define 'install_modulefile 1' --define
>>> 'modules_rpm_name environment-modules' --define 'build_all_in_one_rpm
>>> 0'  --define 'configure_options --with-tm=/opt/torque' --define '_name
>>> openmpi-pgi2011' --define 'use_default_rpm_opt_flags 0'
>>> openmpi-1.4.3.spec
>>> This is what I've used to build openmpi 1.4.3 for gcc and against PGI
>>> 8.x (our last version of PGI installed).  This time, its not working,
>>> though, and with what I consider to be a very strange failure point:
>>> --- MCA component plm:tm (m4 configuration macro)
>>> checking for MCA component plm:tm compile mode... dso
>>> checking --with-tm value... sanity check ok (/opt/torque)
>>> checking for pbs-config... /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config
>>> checking tm.h usability... yes
>>> checking tm.h presence... yes
>>> checking for tm.h... yes
>>> checking for tm_finalize... no
>>> checking tm.h usability... yes
>>> checking tm.h presence... yes
>>> checking for tm.h... yes
>>> looking for library in lib
>>> checking for tm_init in -lpbs... no
>>> looking for library in lib64
>>> checking for tm_init in -lpbs... no
>>> looking for library in lib
>>> checking for tm_init in -ltorque... no
>>> looking for library in lib64
>>> checking for tm_init in -ltorque... no
>>> configure: error: TM support requested but not found.  Aborting
>>> error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.7564 (%build)
>>> However, /opt/torque/ is present.  /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config returns:
>>> [root@aeolus modulefiles]# /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config --prefix
>>> /opt/torque
>>> [root@aeolus modulefiles]# /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config --package
>>> pbs
>>> [root@aeolus modulefiles]# /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config --version
>>> 2.3.0
>>> [root@aeolus modulefiles]# /opt/torque/bin/pbs-config --libs
>>> -L/opt/torque/lib64 -ltorque -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/opt/torque/lib64
>>> and /opt/torque/lib64 does have:
>>> [root@aeolus modulefiles]# ls /opt/torque/lib64
>>> libtorque.a
>>> so I'm a bit dumbfounded as to why configure doesn't "find" torque
>>> support...Any suggestions?
>>> --Jim
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> --
> Jeff Squyres
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