On May 10, 2011, at 08:10 , Tim Prince wrote:

> On 5/10/2011 6:43 AM, francoise.r...@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I compile a parallel program with OpenMPI 1.4.1 (compiled with intel
>> compilers 12 from composerxe package) . This program is linked to MUMPS
>> library 4.9.2, compiled with the same compilers and link with intel MKL.
>> The OS is linux debian.
>> No error in compiling or running the job, but the program freeze inside
>> a call to "zmumps" routine, when the slaves process call MPI_COMM_DUP
>> routine.
>> The program is executed on 2 nodes of 12 cores each (westmere
>> processors) with the following command :
>> mpirun -np 24 --machinefile $OAR_NODE_FILE -mca plm_rsh_agent "oarsh"
>> --mca btl self,openib -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./prog
>> We have 12 process running on each node. We submit the job with OAR
>> batch scheduler (the $OAR_NODE_FILE variable and "oarsh" command are
>> specific to this scheduler and are usually working well with openmpi )
>> via gdb, on the slaves, we can see that they are blocked in MPI_COMM_DUP :


Based on your traces the workers and the master are not doing the same MPI 
call. The workers are blocked in an MPI_Comm_dup in sub_pbdirect_init.f90:44, 
while the master is blocked in an MPI_Barrier in sub_pbdirect_init.f90:62. Can 
you verify that the slaves and the master are calling the MPI_Barrier and the 
MPI_Comm_dup in the same logical order?


>> (gdb) where
>> #0 0x00002b32c1533113 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6
>> #1 0x0000000000adf52c in poll_dispatch ()
>> #2 0x0000000000adcea3 in opal_event_loop ()
>> #3 0x0000000000ad69f9 in opal_progress ()
>> #4 0x0000000000a34b4e in mca_pml_ob1_recv ()
>> #5 0x00000000009b0768 in
>> ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_recursivedoubling ()
>> #6 0x00000000009ac829 in ompi_coll_tuned_allreduce_intra_dec_fixed ()
>> #7 0x000000000097e271 in ompi_comm_allreduce_intra ()
>> #8 0x000000000097dd06 in ompi_comm_nextcid ()
>> #9 0x000000000097be01 in ompi_comm_dup ()
>> #10 0x00000000009a0785 in PMPI_Comm_dup ()
>> #11 0x000000000097931d in pmpi_comm_dup__ ()
>> #12 0x0000000000644251 in zmumps (id=...) at zmumps_part1.F:144
>> #13 0x00000000004c0d03 in sub_pbdirect_init (id=..., matrix_build=...)
>> at sub_pbdirect_init.f90:44
>> #14 0x0000000000628706 in fwt2d_elas_v2 () at fwt2d_elas.f90:1048
>> the master wait further :
>> (gdb) where
>> #0 0x00002b9dc9f3e113 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6
>> #1 0x0000000000adf52c in poll_dispatch ()
>> #2 0x0000000000adcea3 in opal_event_loop ()
>> #3 0x0000000000ad69f9 in opal_progress ()
>> #4 0x000000000098f294 in ompi_request_default_wait_all ()
>> #5 0x0000000000a06e56 in ompi_coll_tuned_sendrecv_actual ()
>> #6 0x00000000009ab8e3 in ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_bruck ()
>> #7 0x00000000009ac926 in ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_dec_fixed ()
>> #8 0x00000000009a0b20 in PMPI_Barrier ()
>> #9 0x0000000000978c93 in pmpi_barrier__ ()
>> #10 0x00000000004c0dc4 in sub_pbdirect_init (id=..., matrix_build=...)
>> at sub_pbdirect_init.f90:62
>> #11 0x0000000000628706 in fwt2d_elas_v2 () at fwt2d_elas.f90:1048
>> Remark :
>> The same code compiled and run well with intel MPI library, from the
>> same intel package, on the same nodes.
> Did you try compiling with equivalent options in each compiler?  For example, 
> (supposing you had gcc 4.6)
> gcc -O3 -funroll-loops --param max-unroll-times=2 -march=corei7
> would be equivalent (as closely as I know) to
> icc -fp-model source -msse4.2 -ansi-alias
> As you should be aware, default settings in icc are more closely equivalent to
> gcc -O3 -ffast-math -fno-cx-limited-range -funroll-loops --param 
> max-unroll-times=2 -fnostrict-aliasing
> The options I suggest as an upper limit are probably more aggressive than 
> most people have used successfully with OpenMPI.
> As to run-time MPI options, Intel MPI has affinity with Westmere awareness 
> turned on by default.  I suppose testing without affinity settings, 
> particularly when banging against all hyperthreads, is a more severe test of 
> your application.   Don't you get better results at 1 rank per core?
> -- 
> Tim Prince
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