On May 19, 2011, at 11:24 PM, Tom Rosmond wrote:

> What fortran compiler did you use?


> In the original script my Intel compile used the -132 option, 
> allowing up to that many columns per line.  


>> x.f90:99.77:
>>    call mpi_type_indexed(lenij,ijlena,ijdisp,mpi_real,ij_vector_type,ierr)
>>                                                                           1  
>> Error: There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'mpi_type_indexed' at 
>> (1)
> Hmmm, very strange, since I am looking right at the MPI standard
> documents with that routine documented.  I too get this compile failure
> when I switch to 'use mpi'.  Could that be a problem with the Open MPI
> fortran libraries???

I think that that error is telling us that there's a compile-time mismatch -- 
that the signature of what you've passed doesn't match the signature of OMPI's 
MPI_Type_indexed subroutine.

>> I looked at our mpi F90 module and see the following:
>> interface MPI_Type_indexed
>> subroutine MPI_Type_indexed(count, array_of_blocklengths, 
>> array_of_displacements, oldtype, newtype, ierr)
>>  integer, intent(in) :: count
>>  integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: array_of_blocklengths
>>  integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: array_of_displacements
>>  integer, intent(in) :: oldtype
>>  integer, intent(out) :: newtype
>>  integer, intent(out) :: ierr
>> end subroutine MPI_Type_indexed
>> end interface

Shouldn't ijlena and ijdisp be 1D arrays, not 2D arrays?

Jeff Squyres
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