Sorry for the super-late reply.  :-\

Yes, ERR_TRUNCATE means that the receiver didn't have a large enough buffer.

Have you tried upgrading to a newer version of Open MPI?  1.4.3 is the current 
stable release (I have a very dim and not guaranteed to be correct recollection 
that we fixed something in the internals of collectives somewhere with regards 

On Apr 25, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Wei Hao wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm running openmpi 1.2.8. I'm working on a project where one part involves 
> communicating an integer, representing the number of data points I'm keeping 
> track of, to all the processors. The line is simple:
>    MPI_Allreduce(&np,&geo_N,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
> where np and geo_N are integers, np is the result of a local calculation, and 
> geo_N has been declared on all the processors. geo_N is nondecreasing. This 
> line works the first time I call it (geo_N goes from 0 to some other 
> integer), but if I call it later in the program, I get the following error:
>    [woodhen-039:26189] *** An error occurred in MPI_Allreduce
>    [woodhen-039:26189] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
>    [woodhen-039:26189] *** MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE: message truncated
>    [woodhen-039:26189] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (goodbye)
> As I understand it, MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE means that the output buffer is too 
> small, but I'm not sure where I've made a mistake. It's particularly 
> frustrating because it seems to work fine the first time. Does anyone have 
> any thoughts?
> Thanks
> Wei
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