On May 24, 2011, at 7:29 AM, Salvatore Podda wrote:

>> Yes, it was a typo, I use to add the "sm" flag to the "--mca btl"
>> option. However I think this is not mandatory, as I suppose
>> openmpi use the the so-called "Law of Least Astonishment"
>> also in this case and adopts "sm" for the intra-node communication
>> or, if you prefer, avoiding to add the sm string does not mean "not use
>> shared memory".

I'm not sure what you're saying here.  There is a large difference between 
"--mca a,b,c" and "--mca a,b".

In the former, all 3 communication methods will be used (a, b, and c).  In the 
latter, only 2 will be used (a and b).

To be clear, if you explicitly list which BTLs to use, OMPI will only (try to) 
use exactly those and no others.

For your specific issue, I don't think there's much we can do with regards to 
the 1.2 series -- it's so ancient that unless you have a support contract with 
someone, we really don't offer public/mailing list support for it any more.  :-(

Jeff Squyres
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