On 9/20/2011 7:25 AM, Reuti wrote:

Am 20.09.2011 um 00:41 schrieb Blosch, Edwin L:

I am observing differences in floating-point results from an application 
program that appear to be related to whether I link with OpenMPI 1.4.3 or 
MVAPICH 1.2.0.  Both packages were built with the same installation of Intel 
11.1, as well as the application program; identical flags passed to the 
compiler in each case.

I’ve tracked down some differences in a compute-only routine where I’ve printed 
out the inputs to the routine (to 18 digits) ; the inputs are identical.  The 
output numbers are different in the 16th place (perhaps a few in the 15th 
place).  These differences only show up for optimized code, not for –O0.

My assumption is that some optimized math intrinsic is being replaced 
dynamically, but I do not know how to confirm this.  Anyone have guidance to 
offer? Or similar experience?

yes, I face it often but always at a magnitude where it's not of any concern 
(and not related to any MPI). Due to the limited precision in computers, a 
simple reordering of operation (although being equivalent in a mathematical 
sense) can lead to different results. Removing the anomalies with -O0 could 
proof that.

The other point I heard especially for the x86 instruction set is, that the 
internal FPU has still 80 bits, while the presentation in memory is only 64 
bit. Hence when all can be done in the registers, the result can be different 
compared to the case when some interim results need to be stored to RAM. For 
the Portland compiler there is a switch -Kieee -pc64 to force it to stay always 
in 64 bit, and a similar one for Intel is -mp (now -fltconsistency) and -mp1.

Diagnostics below indicate that ifort 11.1 64-bit is in use. The options aren't the same as Reuti's "now" version (a 32-bit compiler which hasn't been supported for 3 years or more?).
With ifort 10.1 and more recent, you would set at least
-assume protect_parens -prec-div -prec-sqrt
if you are interested in numerical consistency. If you don't want auto-vectorization of sum reductions, you would use instead
-fp-model source -ftz
(ftz sets underflow mode back to abrupt, while "source" sets gradual).
It may be possible to expose 80-bit x87 by setting the ancient -mp option, but such a course can't be recommended without additional cautions.

Quoted comment from OP seem to show a somewhat different question: Does OpenMPI implement any operations in a different way from MVAPICH? I would think it probable that the answer could be affirmative for operations such as allreduce, but this leads well outside my expertise with respect to specific MPI implementations. It isn't out of the question to suspect that such differences might be aggravated when using excessively aggressive ifort options such as -fast.

         libifport.so.5 =>  
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libifport.so.5 (0x00002b6e7e081000)
         libifcoremt.so.5 =>  
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libifcoremt.so.5 (0x00002b6e7e1ba000)
         libimf.so =>  /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libimf.so 
         libsvml.so =>  /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libsvml.so 
         libintlc.so.5 =>  
/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/lib/intel64/libintlc.so.5 (0x00002b6e7ea0a000)

Tim Prince

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