
This looks not normal, because this error might happen mainly by improper sockets. I don't have any clue at moment, as I can't reproduce it.

Could you try to reinstall Open MPI? And make sure there is no other installation on your system. If this is still not working, try using Open MPI 1.5.3. Please let me know whether these will work for you or not.


On 2011-10-27 11:35 AM, Alex van 't Veer wrote:


I've installed the OpenMPI 1.5.4-1 64-bit binaries on windows 7 when I run mpirun.exe without any options I get the help text and everything seems to work fine but when I try to actually run a application, I get the following error:

..\..\..\openmpi-1.5.4\opal\event\event.c: ompi_evesel->dispatch() failed.

I get the error when running any application, to exclude my own application I tried the hello world example and it returns the same error. (The command I used is mpirun.exe helloworld.exe)

Searching for the error in the list or looking at event.c didn't get me much further, can anyone point me in the right direction for solving this problem?


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