I'm getting this message below which is observing correctly that /tmp is 
NFS-mounted.   But there is no other directory which has user or group write 
permissions.  So I think I'm kind of stuck, and it sounds like a serious issue.

Before I ask the administrators to change their image, i.e. mount this 
partition under /work instead of /tmp, I'd like to ask if anyone is using 
OpenMPI on a state-less cluster, and are there any gotchas with regards to 
performance of OpenMPI, i.e. like handling of /tmp, that one would need to know?

Thank you,


WARNING: Open MPI will create a shared memory backing file in a
directory that appears to be mounted on a network filesystem.
Creating the shared memory backup file on a network file system, such
as NFS or Lustre is not recommended -- it may cause excessive network
traffic to your file servers and/or cause shared memory traffic in
Open MPI to be much slower than expected.

You may want to check your compute nodes, what the typical temporari
directory: node.  Possible sources of the location of this temporary
directory include the $TEMPDIR, $TEMP, and $TMP environment variables.

Note, too, that system administrators can set a list of filesystems
where Open MPI is disallowed from creating temporary files by settings
the MCA parameter "orte_no_session_dir".

Local host: e8332
File Name:  

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