Hi folks,
I. looked for ways to tell to "mpiexec" to forward some environment variables, I saw a mismatch:

--x <env-variable-names>: A comma-delimited list of environment variables to export to the parallel application.
(Open MPI/1.5.3)
$ man mpirun
       -x <env>
Export the specified environment variables to the remote nodes before executing the program. Only one environment variable can
be  specified per -x option.

So, either the info is outdated somewhre, or -x and --x have different meaning - but then there is a lack of info, too :o)

Maybe you could update the Wiki and/or the man page?

II. Now the question. Defaultly no non-OpenMPI environmet variables are exported to the parallel application, AFAIK.

With -x option of mpiexec it is possible to export one (or a list of, see below) environment variable. But, it's a bit tedious to type a [long] list of variables.

Is there someone envvar, by setting which to a list of names of other envvars the same effect could be achieved as by setting -x on command line of mpirun?

Best wishes
Paul Kapinos

Dipl.-Inform. Paul Kapinos   -   High Performance Computing,
RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication
Seffenter Weg 23,  D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241/80-24915

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