That's quite weird/surprising that you would need to set it down to *5* -- 
that's really low.

Can you share a simple reproducer code, perchance?

On Nov 15, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Tom Rosmond wrote:

> Ralph,
> Thanks for the advice.  I have to set 'coll_sync_barrier_before=5' to do
> the job.  This is a big change from the default value (1000), so our
> application seems to be a pretty extreme case.
> T. Rosmond
> On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 16:17 -0700, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> Yes, this is well documented - may be on the FAQ, but certainly has been in 
>> the user list multiple times.
>> The problem is that one process falls behind, which causes it to begin 
>> accumulating "unexpected messages" in its queue. This causes the matching 
>> logic to run a little slower, thus making the process fall further and 
>> further behind. Eventually, things hang because everyone is sitting in bcast 
>> waiting for the slow proc to catch up, but it's queue is saturated and it 
>> can't.
>> The solution is to do exactly what you describe - add some barriers to force 
>> the slow process to catch up. This happened enough that we even added 
>> support for it in OMPI itself so you don't have to modify your code. Look at 
>> the following from "ompi_info --param coll sync"
>>                MCA coll: parameter "coll_base_verbose" (current value: <0>, 
>> data source: default value)
>>                          Verbosity level for the coll framework (0 = no 
>> verbosity)
>>                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sync_priority" (current value: 
>> <50>, data source: default value)
>>                          Priority of the sync coll component; only relevant 
>> if barrier_before or barrier_after is > 0
>>               MCA coll: parameter "coll_sync_barrier_before" (current value: 
>> <1000>, data source: default value)
>>                          Do a synchronization before each Nth collective
>>                MCA coll: parameter "coll_sync_barrier_after" (current value: 
>> <0>, data source: default value)
>>                          Do a synchronization after each Nth collective
>> Take your pick - inserting a barrier before or after doesn't seem to make a 
>> lot of difference, but most people use "before". Try different values until 
>> you get something that works for you.
>> On Nov 14, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Tom Rosmond wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> A colleague and I have been running a large F90 application that does an
>>> enormous number of mpi_bcast calls during execution.  I deny any
>>> responsibility for the design of the code and why it needs these calls,
>>> but it is what we have inherited and have to work with.
>>> Recently we ported the code to an 8 node, 6 processor/node NUMA system
>>> (lstopo output attached) running Debian linux 6.0.3 with Open_MPI 1.5.3,
>>> and began having trouble with mysterious 'hangs' in the program inside
>>> the mpi_bcast calls.  The hangs were always in the same calls, but not
>>> necessarily at the same time during integration.  We originally didn't
>>> have NUMA support, so reinstalled with libnuma support added, but the
>>> problem persisted.  Finally, just as a wild guess, we inserted
>>> 'mpi_barrier' calls just before the 'mpi_bcast' calls, and the program
>>> now runs without problems.
>>> I believe conventional wisdom is that properly formulated MPI programs
>>> should run correctly without barriers, so do you have any thoughts on
>>> why we found it necessary to add them?  The code has run correctly on
>>> other architectures, i.g. Crayxe6, so I don't think there is a bug
>>> anywhere.  My only explanation is that some internal resource gets
>>> exhausted because of the large number of 'mpi_bcast' calls in rapid
>>> succession, and the barrier calls force synchronization which allows the
>>> resource to be restored.  Does this make sense?  I'd appreciate any
>>> comments and advice you can provide.
>>> I have attached compressed copies of config.log and ompi_info for the
>>> system.  The program is built with ifort 12.0 and typically runs with 
>>> mpirun -np 36 -bycore -bind-to-core program.exe
>>> We have run both interactively and with PBS, but that doesn't seem to
>>> make any difference in program behavior.
>>> T. Rosmond
>>> <lstopo_out.txt><config.log.bz2><ompi_info.bz2>_______________________________________________
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