Hi Mark

I wonder if you need to initialize the module command environment inside your 
bash submission script:


where <shell> is bash in this case.   See 'man module' for more details.

This would be before you actually invoke the module command:

module load openmpi

I am guessing your users' default shell is csh, and they may perhaps have a 
module environment initialized by their .cshrc, but the job submission script 
is in bash.

Anyway, we use Torque, not SGE, so this is just a guess.

I hope it helps,
Gus Correa

On Jan 11, 2012, at 12:42 PM, Mark Suhovecky wrote:

> Hi-
> We run OpenMPI 1.4.3 on RHEL5 in a cluster environment.
> We use Univa Grid Engine 8.0.1 (an SGE spinoff) for job submission.
> We've just recently begun supporting the bash shell for submitted jobs,
> and are seeing a problem with submitted MPI jobs.
> Our software environment is manged with Modules package (version 3.2.8),
> so a typical job submission looks something like this
> #!/bin/bash
> #$ <some GE directives>
> module load ompi
> mpiexec 
> when the mpiexec is run, we'll see the following errors
> bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> bash: error importing function definition for `module'
> The module int file contains this function, which is what I'm assuming all 
> the fuss is about:
> module() { eval `/opt/crc/Modules/$MODULE_VERSION/bin/modulecmd bash $*`; }
> export -f module
> There will be multiple instances of the error generated- for example, if  I'm
> running a 48 core mpi-12 job spread across 4 machines,
> I'll see these errors printed 3 times. I don't see these errors
> on single-machine submitted jobs.
> I've found posts for this error on bash, modules, and SGE lists, and have
> tried a number of suggested workarounds that all involve changing how I
> source modules (in /etc/profile.d, .bash_profile, via BASH_ENV), but
> none have gotten rid of this error.
> Since we only see this problem with MPI, I figured it couldn't hurt to post
> here and see if any of you have had this symptom, and what your solution was.
> I should mention that running a submitted MPI job under csh works just fine.
> Thanks for any help,
> Mark
> Mark Suhovecky
> HPC System Administrator
> Center for Research Computing
> University of Notre Dame
> suhovecky at nd.edu
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