Found the problem. I had accidently linked to BLACS built wit mpich, not 



 From: Conn ORourke <>
To: "" <>; "" 
Sent: Saturday, 14 January 2012, 17:42
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Openmpi SGE and BLACS

Dear Terry, 

Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Here is 
the relevant part of the gdb output:

Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x00002b63ba7f9291 in PMPI_Comm_size () at ./pcomm_size.c:46
46            if ( ompi_comm_invalid (comm)) {
(gdb) where
#0  0x00002b63ba7f9291 in PMPI_Comm_size () at ./pcomm_size.c:46
#1  0x000000000062cb6c in blacs_pinfo_ () at ./blacs_pinfo_.c:29
Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Do you think the problem is being caused by SGE feeding the wrong number of 
processors to BLACS in someway?
As I mentioned previously I am requesting a different number of processors than 
I am running on, as I run several jobs on the requested processors.

Thanks for your time & help.


Sent: Friday, 13 January 2012, 13:21
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Openmpi SGE and BLACS

Do you have a stack of where exactly things are seg faulting in blacs_pinfo?  


On 1/13/2012 8:12 AM, Conn ORourke wrote: 
Dear Openmpi Users,
>I am reserving several processors with SGE upon which I want to run a number 
>of openmpi jobs, all of which individually (and combined) use less than the 
>reserved number of processors. The code I am using uses BLACS, and when 
>blacs_pinfo is called I get a seg fault. If the code doesn't call blacs_pinfo 
>it runs fine being submitted in this manner. blacs_pinfo simply returns the 
>number of available processors, so I suspect this is an issue with SGE and 
>openmpi and the requested node number being different to that given to mpirun.
>Can anyone explain why this would happen with openmpi jobs using BLACS  on the 
>SGE? And suggest maybe a way around it?
>Many thanks
>example submission script:
>#!/bin/bash -f -l#$ -V #$ -N test #$ -S /bin/bash#$ -cwd#$ -l vf=1800M#$ -pe 
>ib-ompi 12 #$ -q infiniband.q    BIN=~/bin/program
    fori inXPOL,YPOL,ZPOL;do       mkdir ${TMPDIR}/4ZP;       mkdir 
${TMPDIR}/4ZP/$i;       cp ./4ZP/$i/*${TMPDIR}/4ZP/$i;    done    cd 
${TMPDIR}/4ZP/XPOL;    mpirun -np 4-machinefile ${TMPDIR}/machines $BIN >output 
&    cd ${TMPDIR}/4ZP/YPOL;    mpirun -np 4-machinefile ${TMPDIR}/machines $BIN 
>output &    cd ${TMPDIR}/4ZP/ZPOL;    mpirun -np 4-machinefile 
${TMPDIR}/machines $BIN >output ;    fori in XPOL YPOL ZPOL  ;do     cp 
${TMPDIR}/4ZP/$i/*${HOME}/4ZP/$i;    doneblacs_pinfo.c: #include "Bdef.h"#if 
(INTFACE == C_CALL)void Cblacs_pinfo(int *mypnum,int *nprocs)#elseF_VOID_FUNC 
blacs_pinfo_(int *mypnum,int *nprocs)#endif{   int ierr;   extern int 
BI_Iam,BI_Np;/* *Ifthis is our first call,will need to setup some stuff
 */   if(BI_F77_MPI_COMM_WORLD ==NULL)   {/* *   TheBLACS always call f77's 
mpi_init.  If the user is using C, he should
 *    explicitly call MPI_Init . . .
#ifdef MainInF77
      if (!(*nprocs)) bi_f77_init_();
      if (!(*nprocs))
         BI_BlacsErr(-1, -1, __FILE__,
            "Users with C main programs must explicitly call MPI_Init");
      BI_F77_MPI_COMM_WORLD = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
#ifdef UseF77Mpi
      BI_F77_MPI_CONSTANTS = (int *) malloc(23*sizeof(int));
      ierr = 1;
      bi_f77_get_constants_(BI_F77_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ierr, BI_F77_MPI_CONSTANTS);
      ierr = 0;
      bi_f77_get_constants_(BI_F77_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ierr, nprocs);
      BI_MPI_Comm_size(BI_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &BI_Np, ierr);
      BI_MPI_Comm_rank(BI_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &BI_Iam, ierr);
   *mypnum = BI_Iam;
   *nprocs = BI_Np;
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Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer

Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
 Oracle - Performance Technologies
95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803

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