On Feb 3, 2012, at 8:54 AM, James Torossian wrote:

> Hi all,
> I noticed about 18 months ago in the user archives that the question of 
> heterogeneous support for clusters of Windows / Linux machines was raised, 
> and at that time this functionality was not supported.
> Is this still the case? Are there any near term plans in this direction?

I don't think anyone plans to make that work, especially since there is a very 
simple workaround available. Just install one of the free ssh server packages 
for Windows and you can use the rsh/ssh launcher. Follow the instructions on 
the OMPI FAQ for hetero operations and all should work fine.

> Also … still related ….
> Has it been possible to build O-MPI for Windows (with perhaps reduced 
> capabilities) to use ssh under Cygwin rather than WMI? We are only after a 
> small subset of MPI functionality.

Afraid I don't work that area…perhaps Shiqing could answer it?

> Thanks,
> Jim
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