On May 29, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Jed Brown wrote:

> The pkg-config approach is to use pkg-config --static if you want to link 
> that library statically.

Do the OMPI pkg-config files not do this properly?

> So the problem is almost exclusively one of binary compatibility. If an app 
> or library is only linked to the interface libs, underlying system libraries 
> can be upgraded to different soname without needing to relink the 
> applications. For example, libhwloc could be upgraded to a different ABI, 
> Open MPI rebuilt, and then the user application and intermediate MPI-based 
> libraries would not need to be rebuilt. This is great for distributions and 
> convenient if you work on projects with lots of dependencies.
> It's not such an issue for HPC applications because we tend to recompile a 
> lot and don't need binary compatibility for many of the most common use 
> cases. There is also the linker option -Wl,--as-needed that usually does what 
> is desired.

Mmmm.  Ok.  Brian and I are going to be in the same physical location next 
week; I'll chat with him about this.

Jeff Squyres
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