The current implementation does assume that the GPUs are on the same IOH and 
therefore can use the IPC features of the CUDA library for communication.
One of the initial motivations for this was that to be able to detect whether 
GPUs can talk to one another, the CUDA library has to be initialized and the 
GPUs have to be selected by each rank.  It is at that point that we can 
determine whether the IPC will work between the GPUs.    However, this means 
that the GPUs need to be selected by each rank prior to the call to MPI_Init as 
that is where we determine whether IPC is possible, and we were trying to avoid 
that requirement.

I will submit a ticket against this and see if we can improve this.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>On Behalf Of Zbigniew Koza
>Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:38 PM
>Subject: [OMPI users] bug in CUDA support for dual-processor systems?
>I wrote a simple program to see if OpenMPI can really handle cuda pointers as
>promised in the FAQ and how efficiently.
>The program (see below) breaks if MPI communication is to be performed
>between two devices that are on the same node but under different IOHs in a
>dual-processor Intel machine.
>Note that  cudaMemCpy works for such devices, although not as efficiently as
>for the devices on the same IOH and GPUDirect enabled.
>Here's the output from my program:
> >  mpirun -n 6 ./a.out
>rank: 1, size: 6
>rank: 2, size: 6
>rank: 3, size: 6
>rank: 4, size: 6
>rank: 5, size: 6
>rank: 0, size: 6
>device 3 is set
>Process 3 is on typhoon1
>Using regular memory
>device 0 is set
>Process 0 is on typhoon1
>Using regular memory
>device 4 is set
>Process 4 is on typhoon1
>Using regular memory
>device 1 is set
>Process 1 is on typhoon1
>Using regular memory
>device 5 is set
>Process 5 is on typhoon1
>Using regular memory
>device 2 is set
>Process 2 is on typhoon1
>Using regular memory
>zkoza@typhoon1:~/multigpu$ vim cudamussings.c
>zkoza@typhoon1:~/multigpu$ mpicc cudamussings.c -lcuda -lcudart
>-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -I/usr/local/cuda/include
>zkoza@typhoon1:~/multigpu$ vim cudamussings.c
>zkoza@typhoon1:~/multigpu$ mpicc cudamussings.c -lcuda -lcudart
>-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -I/usr/local/cuda/include
>zkoza@typhoon1:~/multigpu$ mpirun -n 6 ./a.out Process 1 of 6 is on
>typhoon1 Process 2 of 6 is on typhoon1 Process 0 of 6 is on typhoon1 Process
>4 of 6 is on typhoon1 Process 5 of 6 is on typhoon1 Process 3 of 6 is on
>typhoon1 device 2 is set device 1 is set device 0 is set Using regular memory
>device 5 is set device 3 is set device 4 is set
>Host->device bandwidth for processor 1: 1587.993499 MB/sec device
>Host->bandwidth for processor 2: 1570.275316 MB/sec device bandwidth for
>Host->processor 3: 1569.890751 MB/sec device bandwidth for processor 5:
>Host->1483.637702 MB/sec device bandwidth for processor 0: 1480.888029
>Host->MB/sec device bandwidth for processor 4: 1476.241371 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Host  [1] bandwidth: 3338.57 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Host  [1] bandwidth: 420.85 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Device[1] bandwidth: 362.13 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Device[1] bandwidth: 6552.35 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Host  [2] bandwidth: 3238.88 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Host  [2] bandwidth: 418.18 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Device[2] bandwidth: 362.06 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Device[2] bandwidth: 5022.82 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Host  [3] bandwidth: 3295.32 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Host  [3] bandwidth: 418.90 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Device[3] bandwidth: 359.16 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Device[3] bandwidth: 5019.89 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Host  [4] bandwidth: 4619.55 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Device[0] -> Host  [4] bandwidth: 419.24 MB/sec
>MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  Host  [0] -> Device[4] bandwidth: 364.52 MB/sec
>The call to cuIpcOpenMemHandle failed. This is an unrecoverable error and
>will cause the program to abort.
>   cuIpcOpenMemHandle return value:   205
>   address: 0x200200000
>Check the cuda.h file for what the return value means. Perhaps a reboot of
>the node will clear the problem.
>[typhoon1:06098] Failed to register remote memory, rc=-1 [typhoon1:06098]
>[[33788,1],4] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file pml_ob1_recvreq.c at line 465
>In my machine there are 2 six-core intel processors with HT on, yielding
>24 virtual processors, and  6 Tesla C2070s.
>The devices  are grouped in two groups, one with 4 and the other with 2
>Devices in the same group can talk to each other via GPUDirect at approx
>6GB/s; devices in different groups can use cudaMemCpy and UVA at
>somewhat smaller transfer rates.
>my OpenMPI is openmpi-1.9a1r26904 compiled from sources
>./configure -prefix=/home/zkoza/openmpi.1.9.cuda
>--with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda --with-cuda-libdir=/usr/lib
> > nvcc -V
>nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
>Copyright (c) 2005-2012 NVIDIA Corporation Built on
>Thu_Apr__5_00:24:31_PDT_2012 Cuda compilation tools, release 4.2,
>gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5)
>Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
>Nvidia  Driver Version: 295.41         |
>The program was compiled with:
> > mpicc prog.c -lcuda -lcudart -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 
> > -I/usr/local/cuda/include
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <stdlib.h>
>#include <cuda.h>
>#include <cuda_runtime.h>
>#include <sys/time.h>
>#include <mpi.h>
>#define NREPEAT 20
>#define NBYTES 100000000
>#define CALL(x)\
>   cudaError_t err = x;\
>   if (cudaSuccess != err)\
>   {\
>     printf("CUDA ERROR %s at %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(err),  __LINE__ ); \
>     cudaGetLastError();\
>   }\
>int main (int argc, char *argv[])
>         int rank, size, n, len, numbytes;
>         void *a_h, *a_d;
>         struct timeval time[2];
>         double bandwidth;
>         char name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
>         MPI_Status status;
>         MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
>         MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
>         MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
>         MPI_Get_processor_name(name, &len);
>         printf("Process %d of %d is on %s\n", rank, size, name);
>         fflush(stdout);
>         CALL( cudaSetDevice(rank) );
>         printf("device %d is set\n", rank);
>         fflush(stdout);
>#ifdef PINNED
>         if (rank == 0)
>                 printf("Using pinned memory \n");
>         CALL( cudaMallocHost( (void **) &a_h, NBYTES) );
>         if (rank == 0)
>                 printf("Using regular memory \n");
>         a_h = malloc(NBYTES);
>         CALL( cudaMalloc( (void **) &a_d, NBYTES) );
>         MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>         gettimeofday(&time[0], NULL);
>         for (n=0; n<NREPEAT; n++ )
>         {
>                 CALL( cudaMemcpy(a_d, a_h, NBYTES,
>cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
>         }
>         gettimeofday(&time[1], NULL);
>         bandwidth = time[1].tv_sec - time[0].tv_sec;
>         bandwidth += 1.e-6*(time[1].tv_usec - time[0].tv_usec);
>         bandwidth = (double)NBYTES*NREPEAT/1.e6/bandwidth;
>         printf("Host->device bandwidth for processor %d: %f MB/sec\n",
>rank, bandwidth);
>         /* Test MPI send/recv bandwidth. */
>         MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>         int i, proc;
>         for (proc = 1; proc < size; proc++)
>         {
>                 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
>                 {
>                          const int from_host = (i & 1) == 0;
>                         const int to_host =   (i & 2) == 0;
>                         const char* tab[2] = {"Device", "Host  "};
>                         void * ptr[2] = {a_d, a_h};;
>                         MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>                         gettimeofday(&time[0], NULL);
>                         for (n=0; n<NREPEAT; n++)
>                         {
>                                 if (rank == 0)
>                                         MPI_Send(ptr[from_host],
>NBYTES/sizeof(int), MPI_INT, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>                                 else if (rank == proc)
>                                         MPI_Recv(ptr[to_host],
>NBYTES/sizeof(int), MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
>                         }
>                         gettimeofday(&time[1], NULL);
>                         //        printf("MPI status: %d\n", status);
>                         bandwidth = time[1].tv_sec - time[0].tv_sec;
>                         bandwidth += 1.e-6*(time[1].tv_usec -
>                         bandwidth = NBYTES*NREPEAT/1.e6/bandwidth;
>                         if (rank == 0)
>                         {
>                                 printf("MPI_Send/MPI_Receive,  %s[%d]
>-> %s[%d] bandwidth: %4.2f MB/sec\n",
>                                                       tab[from_host],
>0,  tab[to_host], proc, bandwidth);
>                                 fflush(stdout);
>                         }
>         }
>#ifdef PINNED
>         CALL( cudaFreeHost(a_h) );
>         free(a_h);
>         CALL( cudaFree(a_d) ) ;
>         MPI_Finalize();
>         return 0;
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