Have you looked thru the code in orte/mca/plm/rsh/plm_rsh_module.c? It is 
executing a tree-like spawn pattern by default, but there isn't anything magic 
about what ssh is doing. However, there are things done to prep the remote 
shell (setting paths etc.), and the tree spawn passes some additional 
parameters. It would be worth your while to read thru it to see if just 
replacing ssh is going to be enough for your environment.

The OOB output is telling you that the connection is being attempted, but being 
rejected for some reason during the return "ACK". Not sure why that would be 
happening, unless the remote daemon died during the connection handshake.

--debug-daemons doesn't do anything but (a) turn on the debug output, and (b) 
cause ssh to leave the session open by telling the orted not to "daemonize" 
itself. The --leave-session-attached option does (b) without all the debug 

On Aug 21, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Yann RADENAC <yann.rade...@inria.fr> wrote:

> Le 20/08/2012 15:56, Ralph Castain wrote :
> > You might try adding "-mca plm_base_verbose 5 --debug-daemons" to watch the 
> > debug output from the daemons as they are launched.
> There seems to be an interference here: my problem is "solved" by enabling 
> option --debug-daemons with a verbose level > 0 !!
> This command fails (3 processes on 3 different machines):
> mpirun  --mca orte_rsh_agent xos-createProcess --leave-session-attached   -np 
> 3   -host `xreservation -a $XOS_RSVID` mpi/hello_world_MPI
> This command works !!!
> (just adding the debug-daemons with verbose level > 0) :
> mpirun  --mca orte_rsh_agent xos-createProcess --leave-session-attached  -mca 
> plm_base_verbose 5 --debug-daemons -np 3   -host `xreservation -a $XOS_RSVID` 
> mpi/hello_world_MPI
> Anyway, this is just a workaround, and requiring the users to set the 
> debug-daemons option is not acceptable.
> So what ssh is doing, and also the debug-daemons, that my agent 
> xos-createProcess is not doing?
>> The lifeline is a socket connection between the daemons and mpirun. For some 
>> reason, the socket from your remote daemon back to mpirun is being closed, 
>> which the remote daemon interprets as "lifeline lost" and terminates itself. 
>> You could try setting the verbosity on the OOB to get the debug output from 
>> it (see "ompi_info --param oob tcp" for the settings), though it's likely to 
>> just tell you that the socket closed.
> By the way, no firewall is running on any of my machines.
> Using the oob_tcp options:
> mpirun  --mca orte_rsh_agent xos-createProcess --leave-session-attached  -mca 
> oob_tcp_debug 1 -mca oob_tcp_verbose 2 -np 3   -host `xreservation -a 
> $XOS_RSVID` mpi/hello_world_MPI
> On the machine running the mpirun, the process is still waiting (polling) and 
> standard error output is:
> [paradent-26.rennes.grid5000.fr:27762] [[1338,0],0]-[[1338,0],2] accepted: 
> - nodelay 1 sndbuf 262142 rcvbuf 262142 flags 
> 00000802
> [paradent-26.rennes.grid5000.fr:27762] [[1338,0],0]-[[1338,0],2] 
> mca_oob_tcp_recv_handler: rejected connection from [[1338,0],2] connection 
> state 4
> On the remote machine running the orted, orted fails and standard error 
> output is:
> [paradent-6.rennes.grid5000.fr:10391] [[1338,0],2] routed:binomial: 
> Connection to lifeline [[1338,0],0] lost
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