Hi Mike.

Thanks for the help!

I am installing OFED on an NFS share partition so that all compute nodes will have access.

For the "--with-openib" option, I don't specify one.   My config file looks like this:

    CFLAGS="" FCFLAGS="" ./configure        \
    --with-sge                              \
    --with-openib                           \
    --enable-openib-connectx-xrc            \
    --enable-mpi-thread-multiple            \
    --with-threads                          \
    --with-hwloc                            \
    --enable-heterogeneous                  \
    --with-fca=/opt/mellanox/fca            \
    --with-mxm-libdir=/opt/mellanox/mxm/lib \
    --with-mxm=/opt/mellanox/mxm            \

Please advise,

On 12/1/2012 11:39 PM, Mike Dubman wrote:
Hi Joseph,
I guess you install MOFED under /usr, is that right?
Could you please specify "--with-openib=/usr" parameter during ompi "configure" stage?

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Joseph Farran <jfar...@uci.edu> wrote:
Hi YK:

Yes, I have those installed but they are newer versions:

# rpm -qa | grep rdma
# locate librdmacm.la

Here are the RPMs the Mellanox build created for kernel: 2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64

# ls *rdma*
librdmacm-1.0.15-1.i686.rpm    librdmacm-devel-1.0.15-1.i686.rpm    librdmacm-utils-1.0.15-1.i686.rpm
librdmacm-1.0.15-1.x86_64.rpm  librdmacm-devel-1.0.15-1.x86_64.rpm  librdmacm-utils-1.0.15-1.x86_64.rpm

On 11/29/2012 02:59 PM, Yevgeny Kliteynik wrote:

You're supposed to have librdmacm installed as part of MLNX_OFED installation.
What does "rpm -qa | grep rdma" tell?

   $ rpm -qa | grep rdma

   $ locate librdmacm.la

-- YK

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