Hello all.
I want to learn MPI and I've trying to setting up OMPI for first time on
three nodes. My config above:
Ubuntu server - master node: pruebaborja
2x Ubuntu Desktop - slaves node:
clientepruebados 4 slots

Im running NFSv4 for sharing /home/mpiuser.
I want to test a plain "Hello world"but I can't make it working
successfully on node clienteprueba. This is the problem:

mpiuser@pruebaborja:~$ mpirun -np 6 --hostfile .mpi_hostfile ./holamundo
[clienteprueba:01993] [[64434,0], 2] -> [[64434,0],0]
mca_oob_tcp_msg_send_handler: writev:failed: Bad file descriptor (9) [sd =
[clienteprueba:01993] [[64434,0], 2] routed:binomial: Connection to
lifeline [[64434,0],0] lost

However, with clientepruebados and pruebaborja only on my hostfile, it

pruebaborja slots=1
clientepruebados slots=4
#clienteprueba slots=1

mpiuser@pruebaborja:~$ mpirun -np 6 --hostfile .mpi_hostfile ./holamundo
Hola, mundo, soy pruebaborja: 0 de 6
Hola, mundo, soy pruebaborja: 5 de 6
Hola, mundo, soy clientepruebados: 1 de 6
Hola, mundo, soy clientepruebados: 2 de 6
Hola, mundo, soy clientepruebados: 3 de 6
Hola, mundo, soy clientepruebados: 4 de 6

I've checked the OMPI versions on the machines and it's the same. I can't
understand why Im getting this error on clienteprueba; i've done the same
config on  clientepruebados and clienteprueba. Anyone could help me to
solve this?

Sorry for my english.
Thanks in advance

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