Hi again,
I found out that if I add an
MPI_Barrier after the MPI_Recv part, then there is no minute-long latency.

Is it possible that even if MPI_Recv returns, the openib btl does not guarantee that the acknowledgement is sent promptly ? In other words, is it possible that the computation following the MPI_Recv delays the acknowledgement ? If so, is it supposed to be this way, or is it normal, and why isn't the same behavior observed with the tcp btl ?

Maxime Boissonneault

Le 2013-02-14 11:50, Maxime Boissonneault a écrit :
I have a strange case here. The application is "plink" (http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/~purcell/plink/download.shtml). The computation/communication pattern of the application is the following :

1- MPI_Init
2- Some single rank computation
3- MPI_Bcast
4- Some single rank computation
5- MPI_Barrier
6- rank 0 sends data to each other rank with MPI_Ssend, one rank at a time.
6- other ranks use MPI_Recv
7- Some single rank computation
8- other ranks send result to rank 0 with MPI_Ssend
8- rank 0 receives data with MPI_Recv
9- rank 0 analyses result
10- MPI_Finalize

The amount of data being sent is of the order of the kilobytes, and we have IB.

The problem we observe is in step 6. I've output dates before and after each MPI operation. With the openib btl, the behavior I observe is that :
- rank 0 starts sending
- rank n receives almost instantly, and MPI_Recv returns.
- rank 0's MPI_Ssend often returns _minutes_.

It looks like the acknowledgement from rank n takes minutes to reach rank 0.

Now, the tricky part is that if I disable the openib btl to use instead tcp over IB, there is no such latency and the acknowledgement comes back within a fraction of a second. Also, if rank 0 and rank n are on the same node, the acknowledgement is also quasi-instantaneous (I guess it goes through the SM btl instead of openib).

I tried to reproduce this in a simple case, but I observed no such latency. The duration that I got for the whole communication is of the order of milliseconds.

Does anyone have an idea of what could cause such very high latencies when using the OpenIB BTL ?

Also, I tried replacing step 6 by explicitly sending a confirmation :
- rank 0 does MPI_Isend to rank n followed by MPI_Recv from rank n
- rank n does MPI_Recv from rank 0 followed by MPI_Isend to rank 0

In this case also, rank n's MPI_Isend executes quasi-instantaneously, and rank 0's MPI_Recv only returns a few minutes later.


Maxime Boissonneault

Maxime Boissonneault
Analyste de calcul - Calcul Québec, Université Laval
Ph. D. en physique

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