Hi Edgar,

wow, lets try again in english :-)

can you maybe detail more precisely what scenario you are particularly
worried about? I would think that the return code of the operation
is reliable on whether opening the file was successful or not (i.e.
MPI_SUCCESS vs. anything else).

If I open the file for reading, I need to know if the file existed or not, and therefore if the call to MPI::File::Open() was successful or not. There may also be more obscure reasons for a call to fail I guess.... The C++ versions of the library do not return any success or failure codes. The return value is the file handle. But as far as I can see there is no method in MPI::File to determine if the handle is valid or not.



On 5/17/2013 7:55 AM, Edgar Gabriel wrote:
can you maybe detail more precisely what scenario you are particularly
worried about? I would think that the return code of the operation
should be reliable on whether opening the file successful or (i.e.
MPI_SUCCESS vs. anything else).


On 5/17/2013 4:00 AM, Peter van Hoof wrote:
Dear users,

I have been banging my head against the wall for some time to find a
reliable and portable way to determine if a call to MPI::File::Open()
was successful or not.

Let me give some background information first. We develop an open-source
astrophysical modeling code called Cloudy. This is used by many
scientists on a variety of platforms. We obviously have no control over
the MPI version that is installed on that platform, it may not even be
open-MPI. So what we need is a method that is supported by all MPI distros.

Our code is written in C++, so we use the C++ version of the MPI and
MPI-IO libraries.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Peter van Hoof
Royal Observatory of Belgium
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1180 Brussel

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