Hello everyone,

After solving my first ssh_exchange_identification problem,
I feel embarrassed to ask my another problem... :'((

I got some "*ssh: connect to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XX port 22: connection timed
out*" errors
when I mpirun over 2000 times almost at the same time.
my bash shell script file :
   for (( index=0; index<2000 ; index++))
          (time mpirun --hostfile my_hostfile openMPI_test &) >> file 2>&1
*But not "always" got this problem, just "often"*.(It seldom works well.)
*In addition, the amount of "timed out" error in each test are different*.
(In 2000 times, this error happened between 0~200 times)

I try to google it,
but I can't find anyone have this ssh problem when he/she use a lot of ssh
So I think maybe someone here have had the same problem as mine.


The following are some of my settings that I have tried to change :

1. net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=180

2. sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT

but these changes still didn't solve my problem...

I still can't figure out where is the problem and are there some potential
problems :(((

If someone here have any idea about this situation ,or have had the same
problem as mine?
Is it my *machine problem* or *system problem*? Or *OpenMPI* can't let me
do something like this?

Really hope someone can give me a hand ..
Thank you all very very very much!!

Best Wishes,

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