Could you please tell us the OMPI version you are using?

On Jun 5, 2013, at 6:09 AM, "Murthy, Mahalakshmi (GE Global Research, 
consultant)" <> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> We have a concern when we launch Fluent with openmpi we get the following 
> error message.
> ===========================================================================================
> ORTE_ERROR_LOG: The specified application failed to start in file 
> plm_lsf_module.c at line 308
> lsb_launch failed: 0
> ===========================================================================================
> Could you please provide us a fix for this solution.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Mahalakshmi Murthy [Maha]
> TCS | GE Global Research
> Mail ID:
> Mobile No:81479239
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