You could do it by specifying which cores to use - something like

mpirun -np 4 --slot-list 0-3 prog_1 : -np 1 prog_2

On Jun 6, 2013, at 1:52 AM, Nima Aghajari <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am currently using openmpi 1.6.4 and trying to do a parallel performance 
> analysis for a parallel two-program mpirun. So what I have are two programs 
> that are executed like this:
>      mpirun -np 4 my_prog1 : -np 1 my_prog2
> my_prog1 and my_prog2 run sequentially, so when one program is actually doing 
> something the other one idles. So ideally I would like my_prog1 to use all 4 
> available cores and my_prog2 could use any of those for but not an extra one! 
> The command from above results in a run with 5 mpi processes, which run on 5 
> cores. But in order to compare it with another setup I have to restrict the 
> run to 4 actual cores. I tried using a hostfile as suggested in the 
> FAQ-examples:
>      cat my_host
>      localhost slots=4
>      mpirun -np 4 --hostfile my_host my_prog1 : -np 1 --hostfile my_host 
> my_prog2
> This solution works fine for a single program mpirun. But for the multiple 
> program example from above it leads to a run on 5 cores again because of the 
> duplicate use of the hostfile. Does anyone have an idea how to restrict such 
> a mimd/mpmd mpirun to an overall number of cores?
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