> A process can always change its binding by "re-binding" to wherever it
> wants after MPI_Init completes.
Noted. Thanks. I guess the important thing that I wanted to know was that
the binding needs to happen *after* MPI_Init() completes.

Thanks all

-- Siddhartha

> On Aug 18, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Siddhartha Jana <siddharthajan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Firstly, I would like my program to dynamically assign it self to one of
> the cores it pleases and remain bound to it until it later reschedules
> itself.
> *
> Ralph Castain wrote:*
> *>> "If you just want mpirun to respect an external cpuset limitation, it
> already does so when binding - it will bind within the external limitation"
> *
> In my case, the limitation is enforced "internally", by the application
> once in begins execution. I enforce this during program execution, after
> the mpirun has finished "binding within the external limitation".
> *Brice Goglin said*:
> *>>  "MPI can bind at two different times: inside mpirun after ssh before
> running the actual program (this one would ignore your cpuset), later at
> MPI_Init inside your program (this one will ignore your cpuset only if you
> call MPI_Init before creating the cpuset)."*
> Noted. In that case, during program execution, whose binding is respected
> - mpirun's or MPI_Init()'s? From the above, is my understanding correct?
> That MPI_Init() will be responsible for the 2nd round of attempting to bind
> processes to cores and can override what mpirun or the programmer had
> enforced before its call (using hwloc/cpuset/sched_load_balance()* *and
> other *compatible* cousins) ?
> --------------------------------------------
> If this is so, in my case the flow of events is thus:
> 1. mpirun binds an MPI process which is yet to begin execution. So mpirun
> says: "Bind to some core - A" (I don't use any hostfile/rankfile. but I do
> use the --bind-to-core flag)
> 2. Process begins execution on core A
> 3. I enforce: "Bind to core B". (we must remember, it is only at runtime
> that  I know what core I want to be bound to and not while launching the
> processes using mpirun). So my process shifts over to core B
> 4. MPI_Init() once again honors rankfile mapping(if any, default policy,
> otherwise ) and rebinds my process to core A
> 5. process finished execution and calls MPI_Finalize(), all the time on
> core A
> 6. mpirun exits
> --------------------------------------------
> So if I place step-3 above after step-4, my request will hold for the rest
> of the execution. Please do let me know, if my understanding is correct.
> Thanks for all the help
> Sincerely,
> Siddhartha Jana
> HPCTools
> On 18 August 2013 10:49, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> If you require that a specific rank go to a specific core, then use the
>> rankfile mapper - you can see explanations on the syntax in "man mpirun"
>> If you just want mpirun to respect an external cpuset limitation, it
>> already does so when binding - it will bind within the external limitation
>> On Aug 18, 2013, at 6:09 AM, Siddhartha Jana <siddharthajan...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> So my question really boils down to:
>> How does one ensure that mpirun launches the processes on the "specific"
>> cores that are expected of them to be bound to.
>> As I mentioned, if there were a way to specify the cores through the
>> hostfile, this problem should be solved.
>> Thanks for all the quick replies,
>> -- Sid
>> On 18 August 2013 09:04, Siddhartha Jana <siddharthajan...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Thanks John. But I have an incredibly small system. 2 nodes - 16 cores
>>> each.
>>> 2-4 MPI processes. :-)
>>> On 18 August 2013 09:03, John Hearns <hear...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> You really should install a job scheduler.
>>>> There are free versions.
>>>> I'm not sure about cpuset support in Gridengine. Anyone?
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