Thanks very much, have a nice weekend!

best regards,

On 15 September 2013 11:29, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <>wrote:

> On Sep 14, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Huangwei <> wrote:
> >      do i=1, N-1
> >           allocate (QRECS(A(i)))
> >           itag = i
> >          call mpi_recv(QRECS......., i, itag, .................)
> >           deallocate(QRECS)
> >      enddo
> I assume you're doing more than just allocate/mpi_recv/deallocate.  :-)
> I don't know what A(i) is, so it's hard to say whether this is correct or
> not.
> > Will this cause any problem using this way to introducing QRECS?
> I don't know.
> Can you make a small program that reproduces the problem?
> > Besides, the reasonable why I did not choose mpi_gatherv is that the
> QRECS will put into YVAR in a non-consecutive way. for instance, if I have
> 4 processors, the first element in YVAR is from rank 0, second from rank 1
> ......fourth from rank 3, and then fifth from rank 0 again, sixth from rank
> 1 again....... But I will try your suggestion.
> Depending on how big the arrays are, it may still be faster/simpler to
> gather(v) to a single array and copy to the final array.  Shrug.  It
> depends on what your program is doing, and whether that is wort it to you.
> To be clear: either way should work fine; there may or may not be coding
> and/or performance implications of each.
> --
> Jeff Squyres
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