Won't OMPI still automatically pick up env variables that are named beginning 
with "OMPI_"?

On Dec 12, 2013, at 9:47 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:

> It would have to be done via MPI_Info arguments, and we never had a request 
> to do so (and hence, don't define such an argument). It would be easy enough 
> to do so (look in the ompi/mca/dpm/orte/dpm_orte.c code).
> MPI implementations generally don't forcibly propagate envars because it is 
> so hard to know which ones to handle - it is easy to propagate a system envar 
> that causes bad things to happen on the remote end.
> One thing you could do, of course, is add that envar to your default shell 
> setup (.bashrc or whatever). This would set the variable by default on your 
> remote locations (assuming you are using rsh/ssh for your launcher), and then 
> any process you start would get it. However, that won't help if this is an 
> envar intended only for the comm_spawned process.
> I can add this capability to the OMPI trunk, and port it to the 1.7 release - 
> but we don't go all the way back to the 1.4 series any more.
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:10 PM, tom fogal <tfo...@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm developing on Open MPI 1.4.5-ubuntu2 on Ubuntu 13.10 (so, Ubuntu's
> packaged Open MPI) at the moment.
> I'd like to pass environment variables to processes started via
> MPI_Comm_spawn.  Unfortunately, the MPI 3.0 standard (at least) does
> not seem to specify a way to do this; thus I have been searching for
> implementation-specific ways to accomplish my task.
> I have tried setting the environment variable using the POSIX setenv(3)
> call, but it seems that Open MPI comm-spawn'd processes do not inherit
> environment variables.  See the attached 2 C99 programs; one prints
> out the environment it receives, and one sets the MEANING_OF_LIFE
> environment variable, spawns the previous 'env printing' program, and
> exits.  I run via:
>   $ env -i HOME=/home/tfogal \
>   PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin \
>   mpirun -x TJFVAR=testing -n 5 ./mpienv ./envpar
> and expect (well, hope) to find the MEANING_OF_LIFE in 'envpar's
> output.  I do see TJFVAR, but the MEANING_OF_LIFE sadly does not
> propagate.  Perhaps I am asking the wrong question...
> I found another MPI implementation which allowed passing such
> information via the MPI_Info argument, however I could find no
> documentation of similar functionality in Open MPI.
> Is there a way to accomplish what I'm looking for?  I could even be
> convinced to hack source, but a starting pointer would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -tom
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