Brock and I chatted off list.

I'm unable to replicate the error, but I have icc 14.0.1, not 14.0.  I also 
don't have Lustre, which is his base case.

So there's at least 2 variables here that need to be resolved.

On Jan 9, 2014, at 11:46 AM, Brock Palen <> wrote:

> Attached you will find a small sample code that demonstrates the problem but 
> ether MPI_File_seek() or MPI_File_get_position() is screwing up on me.  This 
> only happens with this version of the intel compiler:
> Version Build 20130728
> You can compile and run the example with:
> mpicc -g -DDEBUG mkrandfile.c -o mkrand
> mpirun -np 2 mkrand -f data -l 1
> 1.6.5  works with gcc 4.7.0, 
> openmpi/1.6.5/gcc/4.7.0
>   0: my current offset is 0
>   1: my current offset is 8388608
> openmpi/1.6.5/intel/14.0
>   0: my current offset is 4294967297
>   1: my current offset is 4294967297
> I passed the code through ddt, and the calculations for the offset for each 
> rank gets the correct values passed to MPI_File_seek() but what I get back 
> from MPI_File_get_position() is the above gibberish. 
> I also cannot produce the problem with  openmpi/1.6.4/intel/13.0.1  or with 
> openmpi/1.6.5/pgi/13.5
> Our builds all like this:
> PREFIX=/home/software/rhel6/openmpi-1.6.5/pgi-13.5
> MXM=/home/software/rhel6/mxm/2.0
> FCA=/home/software/rhel6/fca/2.5
> COMPILERS='CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC FC=pgf90 F77=pgf77'
> ./configure \
>    --prefix=${PREFIX} \
>    --mandir=${PREFIX}/man \
>    --with-tm=/usr/local/torque \
>    --with-openib --with-psm \
>    --with-io-romio-flags='--with-file-system=testfs+ufs+nfs+lustre' \
>    --with-mxm=$MXM \
>    --with-fca=$FCA \
>    --disable-dlopen --enable-shared \
>       $COMPILERS
> Brock Palen
> CAEN Advanced Computing
> XSEDE Campus Champion
> (734)936-1985
> <mkrandfiles.c><signature.asc>

Jeff Squyres
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