On Jan 29, 2014, at 7:56 PM, Victor <victor.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the insights Tim. I was aware that the CPUs will choke beyond a 
> certain point. From memory on my machine this happens with 5 concurrent MPI 
> jobs with that benchmark that I am using.
> My primary question was about scaling between the nodes. I was not getting 
> close to double the performance when running MPI jobs acros two 4 core nodes. 
> It may be better now since I have Open-MX in place, but I have not repeated 
> the benchmarks yet since I need to get one simulation job done asap.

Some of that may be due to expected loss of performance when you switch from 
shared memory to inter-node transports. While it is true about saturation of 
the memory path, what you reported could be more consistent with that 
transition - i.e., it isn't unusual to see applications perform better when run 
on a single node, depending upon how they are written, up to a certain size of 
problem (which your code may not be hitting).

> Regarding your mention of setting affinities and MPI ranks do you have a 
> specific (as in syntactically specific since I am a novice and easily 
> confused...) examples how I may want to set affinities to get the Westmere 
> node performing better?

mpirun --bind-to-core -cpus-per-rank 2 ...

will bind each MPI rank to 2 cores. Note that this will definitely *not* be a 
good idea if you are running more than two threads in your process - if you 
are, then set --cpus-per-rank to the number of threads, keeping in mind that 
you want things to break evenly across the sockets. In other words, if you have 
two 6 core/socket Westmere's on the node, then you either want to run 6 process 
at cpus-per-rank=2 if each process runs 2 threads, or 4 processes with 
cpus-per-rank=3 if each process runs 3 threads, or 2 processes with no 
cpus-per-rank but --bind-to-socket instead of --bind-to-core for any other 
thread number > 3.

You would not want to run any other number of processes on the node or else the 
binding pattern will cause a single process to split its threads across the 
sockets - which will definitely hurt performance.

> ompi_info returns this: MCA paffinity: hwloc (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component 
> v1.6.5)
> And finally to hybridisation... in a week or so I will get 4 AMD A10-6800 
> machines with 8Gb each on loan and will attempt to make them work along the 
> existing Intel nodes. 
> Victor
> On 29 January 2014 22:03, Tim Prince <n...@aol.com> wrote:
> On 1/29/2014 8:02 AM, Reuti wrote:
> Quoting Victor <victor.ma...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for the reply Reuti,
> There are two machines: Node1 with 12 physical cores (dual 6 core Xeon) and
> Do you have this CPU?
> http://ark.intel.com/de/products/37109/Intel-Xeon-Processor-X5560-8M-Cache-2_80-GHz-6_40-GTs-Intel-QPI
> -- Reuti
> It's expected on the Xeon Westmere 6-core CPUs to see MPI performance 
> saturating when all 4 of the internal buss paths are in use.  For this 
> reason, hybrid MPI/OpenMP with 2 cores per MPI rank, with affinity set so 
> that each MPI rank has its own internal CPU buss, could out-perform plain MPI 
> on those CPUs.
> That scheme of pairing cores on selected internal buss paths hasn't been 
> repeated.  Some influential customers learned to prefer the 4-core version of 
> that CPU, given a reluctance to adopt MPI/OpenMP hybrid with affinity.
> If you want to talk about "downright strange," start thinking about the 
> schemes to optimize performance of 8 threads with 2 threads assigned to each 
> internal CPU buss on that CPU model.  Or your scheme of trying to balance MPI 
> performance between very different CPU models.
> Tim
> Node2 with 4 physical cores (i5-2400).
> Regarding scaling on the single 12 core node, not it is also not linear. In
> fact it is downright strange. I do not remember the numbers right now but
> 10 jobs are faster than 11 and 12 are the fastest with peak performance of
> approximately 66 Msu/s which is also far from triple the 4 core
> performance. This odd non-linear behaviour also happens at the lower job
> counts on that 12 core node. I understand the decrease in scaling with
> increase in core count on the single node as the memory bandwidth is an
> issue.
> On the 4 core machine the scaling is progressive, ie. every additional job
> brings an increase in performance. Single core delivers 8.1 Msu/s while 4
> cores deliver 30.8 Msu/s. This is almost linear.
> Since my original email I have also installed Open-MX and recompiled
> OpenMPI to use it. This has resulted in approximately 10% better
> performance using the existing GbE hardware.
> On 29 January 2014 19:40, Reuti <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:
> Am 29.01.2014 um 03:00 schrieb Victor:
> > I am running a CFD simulation benchmark cavity3d available within
> http://www.palabos.org/images/palabos_releases/palabos-v1.4r1.tgz
> >
> > It is a parallel friendly Lattice Botlzmann solver library.
> >
> > Palabos provides benchmark results for the cavity3d on several different
> platforms and variables here:
> http://wiki.palabos.org/plb_wiki:benchmark:cavity_n400
> >
> > The problem that I have is that the benchmark performance on my cluster
> does not scale even close to a linear scale.
> >
> > My cluster configuration:
> >
> > Node1: Dual Xeon 5560 48 Gb RAM
> > Node2: i5-2400 24 Gb RAM
> >
> > Gigabit ethernet connection on eth0
> >
> > OpenMPI 1.6.5 on Ubuntu 12.04.3
> >
> >
> > Hostfile:
> >
> > Node1 -slots=4 -max-slots=4
> > Node2 -slots=4 -max-slots=4
> >
> > MPI command: mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 --hostfile
> /home/mpiuser/.mpi_hostfile -np 8 ./cavity3d 400
> >
> > Problem:
> >
> > cavity3d 400
> >
> > When I run mpirun -np 4 on Node1 I get 35.7615 Mega site updates per
> second
> > When I run mpirun -np 4 on Node2 I get 30.7972 Mega site updates per
> second
> > When I run mpirun --mca btl_tcp_if_include eth0 --hostfile
> /home/mpiuser/.mpi_hostfile -np 8 ./cavity3d 400 I get 47.3538 Mega site
> updates per second
> >
> > I understand that there are latencies with GbE and that there is MPI
> overhead, but this performance scaling still seems very poor. Are my
> expectations of scaling naive, or is there actually something wrong and
> fixable that will improve the scaling? Optimistically I would like each
> node to add to the cluster performance, not slow it down.
> >
> > Things get even worse if I run asymmetric number of mpi jobs in each
> node. For instance running -np 12 on Node1
> Isn't this overloading the machine with only 8 real cores in total?
> > is significantly faster than running -np 16 across Node1 and Node2, thus
> adding Node2 actually slows down the performance.
> The i5-2400 has only 4 cores and no threads.
> It depends on the algorithm how much data has to be exchanged between the
> processes, and this can indeed be worse when used across a network.
> Also: is the algorithm scaling linear when used on node1 only with 8
> cores? When it's "35.7615 " with 4 cores, what result do you get with 8
> cores on this machine.
> -- Reuti
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