The short answer is no. You can not at this time create a window with
an intercommunicator. You can use MPI_Intercomm_merge to join the two
groups and make a window using that communicator.

There has been some discussion in the MPI Forum about allowing windows
to be created on intercommunicators. More work is needed to determine
what the semantics should be so it will not be available in MPI 3.1.

-Nathan Hjelm

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 04:48:49PM -0700, Ramesh Vinayagam wrote:
>    Hi,
>    Can comm_spawn be used with win_create?
>    For ex:
>    Master process:
>    -----------------------
>      MPI_Comm_spawn(worker_program,MPI_ARGV_NULL, world_size-1,
>                     info, 0, MPI_COMM_SELF, &everyone,
>                     MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE);
>      MPI_Win_create(&testval, sizeof(double), 1,
>                     MPI_INFO_NULL, everyone,
>                     &nwin);
>    Worker process:
>    ------------------------
>     MPI_Comm_get_parent(&parent);
>      if (parent == MPI_COMM_NULL) error("No parent!");
>      MPI_Comm_remote_size(parent, &size);
>      if (size != 1) error("Something's wrong with the parent");
>      MPI_Win_create(MPI_BOTTOM, 0,
>                     1, MPI_INFO_NULL,
>                     parent, &nwin);
>    This one fails currently. Am I doing something wrong. It would be great if
>    someone could help me.
>    Thanks
>    Ramesh

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