As for the performance, my 4-node (64-processes) 3-hour job indicates Intel MPI 
and OpenMPI have close benchmarks. Intel MPI takes 2:53 while Open MPI takes 

It is interesting that all my MPI_Wtime calls show OpenMPI is faster (up to 
twice or even more) than Intel MPI in communication for a single loop, but in 
overall wall time Open MPI is 10% slower for like 500K loops. The computing 
times are nearly the same. This is a little confusing.

I may set up and run a new test.


-----Original Message-----
From: users [] On Behalf Of Jeff Squyres 
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:15
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] OpenMPI job initializing problem

On Mar 20, 2014, at 12:48 PM, Beichuan Yan <> wrote:

> 2.
> In the upcoming OMPI v1.7, we revamped the shared memory setup code such that 
> it'll actually use /dev/shm properly, or use some other mechanism other than 
> a mmap file backed in a real filesystem. So the issue goes away.

Woo hoo!

> my comment: up to OMPI v1.7.4, this shmem issue is still there. However, it 
> is resolved in OMPI v1.7.5rc5. This is surprising.
> Anyway, OMPI v1.7.5rc5 works well for multi-processes-on-one-node (shmem) 
> mode on Spirit. There is no need to tune TCP or IB parameters to use it. My 
> code just runs well:


> My test data takes 20 minutes to run with OMPI v1.7.4, but needs less than 1 
> minute with OMPI v1.7.5rc5. I don't know what the magic is. I am wondering 
> when OMPI v1.7.5 final will be released.

Wow -- that sounds like a fundamental difference there.  Could be something to 
do with the NFS tmp directory...?  I could see how that could cause oodles of 
unnecessary network traffic.

1.7.5 should be released ...immanently...

Jeff Squyres
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