What was updated? If the OS, did you remember to set the memory registration 
limits to max?

On Jun 20, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Ivanov, Aleksandar (INR) 
<aleksandar.iva...@kit.edu> wrote:

> Dear Sir or Madam,
> I am using the openmpi 1.6.5 library compiled with IFORT / ICC 13.1.5. Since 
> a recent update of our machine I started generating mpi errors. The code 
> crashes after completing approx. 24 % from the total job. The same code and 
> input were run before on the same machine and no such problems were ever 
> observed. The actual error message is attached.
> I presume that after the update an incompatibility between the 
> infiniband-stack and the openmpi library might have been introduced. I think 
> that the suggested  “out of memory problem” should not be causing the 
> malfunction, since the application uses only 1GB of the total 32 GB 
> available.  
> I would appreciate your help and ideas how to clarify this issue.
> Thank you in advance
> Best Regards
> Aleksandar Ivanov
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