
I am trying to run the following setup in fortran without much

I have an MPI program, that uses mpi_comm_spawn which spawns some
interface program that communicates with the one that spawned it. This
spawned program then prepares some data and uses call system()
statement in fortran. Now if the program that is called from system is
not mpi program itself everything is running OK. But I want to run the
program with something like mpirun -n X ... and then this is a no go.

Different versions of open mpi give different messages before they
either die or hang. I googled all the messages but all I get is just
links to some openmpi sources, so I would appreciate if someone can
help me explain how to run above setup. Given so many MCA options I
hope there is one which can run the above setup ??

The message for 1.6 is the following:
... routed:binomial: connection to lifeline lost (+ PIDs and port numbers)

The message for 1.8.1 is:
... FORKING HNP: orted --hnp --set-sid --report-uri 18 --singleton-died-pipe 19 
-mca state_novm_select 1 -mca ess_base_jobid 3378249728

If this is not trivial to solve problem I can provide a simple test
programs (we need 3) that show all of this.


Milan Hodoscek                      
National Institute of Chemistry              tel:+386-1-476-0278
Hajdrihova 19                                fax:+386-1-476-0300        
SI-1000 Ljubljana                            e-mail: mi...@cmm.ki.si      
Slovenia                                     web: http://a.cmm.ki.si

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