There is also the Lmod project, based at TACC, and run by Robert McLay.

That's under current, active development, and if you'd be creating a
brand new modules infrastructure, bears a close look.

-- bennet

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Fabricio Cannini <> wrote:
> On 05-08-2014 13:54, Ralph Castain wrote:
>> Check the repo - hasn't been touched in a very long time
> Yes, the cvs repo hasn't been touched in a long long time, but they have
> apparently migrated to git.
> cvs:
> git:
> There is still activity on git, patches for newest tcl version.
> It may not be bursting, but I wouldn't call it "dead". Yet. ;)
> [ ]'s
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