I have a performance problem with receiving. In a single master thread, I made 
several Irecv calls:

Irecv(buf1, ..., tag, ANY_SOURCE, COMM_WORLD)
Irecv(buf2, ..., tag, ANY_SOURCE, COMM_WORLD)
Irecv(bufn, ..., tag, ANY_SOURCE, COMM_WORLD)

all of which try to receive from any node for messages with the same tag.

Then, whenever any of the Irecv completes (using Testany), a separate thread is 
dispatched to work on the received message.
In my program, many nodes will send to this master thread.

However, I noticed that the speed of recv is almost unaffected no matter how 
many Irecv calls were made.
It seems that multiple Irecv calls does not mean concurrently receiving from 
many nodes.
By profiling the node running the master thread, I can see that the network 
input bandwidth is quite low.

Is my understanding correct ? or How to maximize the recv throughput of the 
master thread ?

Thanks !

Zhang Lei
@ Baidu, Inc.

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