
Am 08.09.2014 um 10:09 schrieb Ahmed Salama:

> i new in open mpi, I installed openmpi1.6.5 in linux redhat , and i have code 
> in java and i want to use mpi with it, so i configured mpi as follow
> ./configure --enable-mpi-java  --with-jdk-bindir=/usr/jdk6/bin  
> --with-jdk-headers=/usr/jdk6/include  --prefix=/usr/local/openmpi
> but i have the following warning message: 
> Warning  : unrocognoized option -enable-mpi-java --with..............

The Java binding appeared at sometime in the 1.7 series. When you start from 
scratch right now, it's best to use 1.8.1 where it should work.

Some notes on it: 

-- Reuti

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