Hello, I am using Open-MPI 1.8.3 for Java. I would like to know how to
create a derived datatype that enables the sending of an array of complex
data (objects, strings, etc.) to each processor. In fact, I want to create
an array of string or objects and sending a part of this array to each

E.g., I created the next class:

*class Data{
   String data1;
   String data2;

   public Data(String d1, String d2)
        this.data1 = d1;
        this.data2 = d2;

and then a array of Data objects is created

*     Data[] myData = new Data[4];
     myData[0] = new Data("d1", "this is a test");
     myData[3] = new Data("the third data", "this is another test");*

How can I create the datatype to send, e.g., myData[0] and [1] to
proc#1 and the remaining to the proc#2?


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