Looks like it's failing in the openib BTL setup.

Can you send the info listed here?


On Nov 4, 2014, at 1:10 PM, Saliya Ekanayake <esal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using OpenMPI 1.8.1 in a Linux cluster that we recently setup. It builds 
> fine, but when I try to run even the simplest hello.c program it'll cause a 
> segfault. Any suggestions on how to correct this?
> The steps I did and error message are below.
> 1. Built OpenMPI 1.8.1 on the cluster. The ompi_info is attached.
> 2. cd to examples directory and mpicc hello_c.c
> 3. mpirun -np 2 ./a.out
> 4. Error text is attached.
> Please let me know if you need more info.
> Thank you,
> Saliya
> -- 
> Saliya Ekanayake esal...@gmail.com 
> Cell 812-391-4914 Home 812-961-6383
> http://saliya.org
> <ompi_info.txt><error.txt>_______________________________________________
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Jeff Squyres
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