Thanks Ralph.  I’ll experiment with these options.  Much appreciated.

From: users [] On Behalf Of Ralph Castain
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:00 AM
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] EXTERNAL: Re: Question on mapping processes to hosts 

On Nov 11, 2014, at 6:11 AM, Blosch, Edwin L 
<<>> wrote:

OK, that’s what I was suspecting.  It’s a bug, right?  I asked for 4 processes 
and I supplied a host file with 4 lines in it, and mpirun didn’t launch the 
processes where I told it to launch them.

Actually, no - it’s an intended “feature”. When the dinosaurs still roamed the 
earth and OMPI was an infant, we had no way of detecting the number of 
processors on a node in advance of the map/launch phase. During that time, 
users were required to tell us that info in the hostfile, which was a source of 
constant complaint.

Since that time, we have changed the launch procedure so we do have access to 
that info when we need it. Accordingly, we now check to see if you told us the 
number of slots on each node in the hostfile - if not, then we autodetect it 
for you.

Quite honestly, it sounds to me like you might be happier using the 
“sequential” mapper for this use case. It will place one proc on each of the 
indicated nodes, with the rank set by the order in the hostfile. So a hostfile 
like this:


will result in
rank 0 -> node1
rank 1 -> node2
rank 2 -> node1
rank 3 -> node3

etc. To use it, just add "-mca rmaps seq" to you cmd line. Alternatively, you 
could add “--map-by node" to your cmd line and we will round-robin by node.

Do you know when or if this changed?  I can’t recall seeing this this behavior 
in 1.6.5 or 1.4 or 1.2, and I know I’ve run cases across workstation clusters, 
so I think I would have noticed this behavior.

It changed early in the 1.7 series, and has remained consistent since then.

Can I throw another one at you, most likely related?  On a system where node01, 
node02, node03, and node04 already had a full load of work (i.e. other 
applications were running a number of processes equal to the number of cores on 
each node), I had a hosts file like this:  node01, node01, node02, node02.   I 
asked for 4 processes.  mpirun launched them as I would think: rank 0 and rank 
1 on node01, and rank 2 and 3 on node02.  Then I tried node01, node01, node02, 
node03.  In this case, all 4 processes were launched on node01.  Is there a 
logical explanation for this behavior as well?

Now that one is indeed a bug! I’ll dig it up and fix it.

Thanks again,


From: users [] On Behalf Of Ralph Castain
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 11:51 AM
To: Open MPI Users
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [OMPI users] Question on mapping processes to hosts file

Ah, yes - so here is what is happening. When no slot info is provided, we use 
the number of detected cores on each node as the #slots. So if you want to 
loadbalance across the nodes, you need to set —map-by node

Or add slots=1 to each line of your host file to override the default behavior

On Nov 7, 2014, at 8:52 AM, Blosch, Edwin L 
<<>> wrote:

Here’s my command:

<path_to_OpenMPI_1.8.3>/bin/mpirun <unrelated MCA options> --machinefile 
hosts.dat -np 4 <executable>

Here’s my hosts.dat file:

% cat hosts.dat

All 4 ranks are launched on node01.  I don’t believe I’ve ever seen this 
before.  I had to do a sanity check, so I tried MVAPICH2-2.1a and got what I 
expected: 1 process runs on each of the 4 nodes.  The mpirun man page says 
‘round-robin’, which I take to mean that one process would be launched per line 
in the hosts file, so this really seems like incorrect behavior.

What could be the possibilities here?

Thanks for the help!

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