> On Nov 24, 2014, at 3:45 AM, Wildes Andrew <andywil...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to install OpenMPI (v. 1.8.3) on my mac (OS 10.6.8).  I have 
> gcc in my path (v. 4.6.0).  The ./configure routine finds it, but says that 
> it doesn't work.
> Looking through config.log (attached), I see that it's trying to access 
> 'conftest.c'.  This file isn't found (it doesn't seem to be in the openmpi 
> compressed file, nor is it anywhere to be found elsewhere on my mac), and I 
> suspect that it's at this point that the compilation attempt terminates.
> I'm sorry to bother you with what is probably a trivial problem.  Any help 
> would be greatly appreciated.

In looking through your log, there are a couple of things.

Firstly, it complains that gcc can not create executables. Line 16:

configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

Secondly, line 114:

gcc: error trying to exec 'as': execvp: No such file or directory

I'm thinking the first error is from stderr/stdout, while your config.log 
starts at line 25. Yes?

So on OS X have you installed Xcode and all it's dependencies? Are you using 
MacPorts, HomeBrew or Fink? Or any other package manager?
Are you able to compile anything? A simple (non-mpi) hello world or some such?

The program `as` is an assembler (translates assembly code to object code). 

Hope this helps.


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