
I am afraid I will have to insist on i/o redirection matter
for the spawnee process.

I have a "child" mpi code that do just 2 things: read the 3 parameters
passed to it and print them, and then read data from stdin and show it.
So, if "stdin_file" is a text file with two lines, say:


executing "mpirun -n 1 child A B < stdin_file" wiil ouput two lines:

[A]  [B]  []
10  20

On the other hand , calling "child" from MPI_Comm_spawn("child",args,...)

args(1) = "A"
args(2) = "B"
args(3) ="< stdin_file"
args(4) = " "

will make "child" outputs only 1 line

[A] [B] [< stdin_file]

and then fails because there is not stdin data to read from.

Please, note that surprisingly the whole string "< stdin_file" is
as a third parameter to "child" and not a stdin...


2014-12-15 17:26 GMT-02:00 Alex A. Schmidt <a...@ufsm.br>:
> Ralph,
> I guess you mean "call mpi_comm_spawn( 'siesta', '< infile' , 2 ,...)"
> to execute 'mpirun -n 2 siesta < infile' on the spawnee side. That was
> my first choice. Well, siesta behaves as if no stdin file was present...
> Alex
> 2014-12-15 17:07 GMT-02:00 Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org>:
>> You should be able to just include that in your argv that you pass to the
>> Comm_spawn API.
>> On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Alex A. Schmidt <a...@ufsm.br> wrote:
>>> George,
>>> Thanks for the tip. In fact, calling mpi_comm_spawn right away with MPI
>>> has worked for me just as well -- no subgroups needed at all.
>>> I am testing this openmpi app named "siesta" in parallel. The source
>>> code is available,
>>> so making it "spawn ready" by adding the pair mpi_comm_get_parent + 
>>> mpi_comm_disconnect
>>> into the main code can be done.  If it works, maybe the siesta's
>>> developers can be convinced
>>> to add this feature in a future release.
>>> However, siesta is launched only by specifying input/output files with
>>> i/o redirection like
>>> mpirun -n <*some number*>  siesta < infile > outfile
>>> So far, I could not find anything about how to set an stdin file for an
>>> spawnee process.
>>> Specifiyng it in a app context file doesn't seem to work. Can it be
>>> done? Maybe through
>>> an MCA parameter?
>>> Alex
>>> 2014-12-15 2:43 GMT-02:00 George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu>:
>>>> Alex,
>>>> The code looks good, and is 100% MPI standard accurate.
>>>> I would change the way you create the subcoms in the parent. You do a
>>>> lot of useless operations, as you can achieve exactly the same outcome (one
>>>> communicator per node), either by duplicating MPI_COMM_SELF or doing an
>>>> MPI_Comm_split with the color equal to your rank.
>>>>   George.
>>>> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 2:20 AM, Alex A. Schmidt <a...@ufsm.br> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Sorry, guys. I don't think the newbie here can follow any discussion
>>>>> beyond basic mpi...
>>>>> Anyway, if I add the pair
>>>>> call MPI_COMM_GET_PARENT(mpi_comm_parent,ierror)
>>>>> call MPI_COMM_DISCONNECT(mpi_comm_parent,ierror)
>>>>> on the spawnee side I get the proper response in the spawning
>>>>> processes.
>>>>> Please, take a look at the attached toy codes parent.F and child.F
>>>>> I've been playing with. 'mpirun -n 2 parent' seems to work as expected.
>>>>> Alex
>>>>> 2014-12-13 23:46 GMT-02:00 Gilles Gouaillardet <
>>>>> gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Alex,
>>>>>> Are you calling MPI_Comm_disconnect in the 3 "master" tasks and with
>>>>>> the same remote communicator ?
>>>>>> I also read the man page again, and MPI_Comm_disconnect does not
>>>>>> ensure the remote processes have finished or called MPI_Comm_disconnect, 
>>>>>> so
>>>>>> that might not be the thing you need.
>>>>>> George, can you please comment on that ?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>> George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> MPI_Comm_disconnect should be a local operation, there is no reason
>>>>>> for it to deadlock. I looked at the code and everything is local with the
>>>>>> exception of a call to PMIX.FENCE. Can you attach to your deadlocked
>>>>>> processes and confirm that they are stopped in the pmix.fence?
>>>>>>   George.
>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Alex A. Schmidt <a...@ufsm.br> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> Sorry, I was calling mpi_comm_disconnect on the group comm handler,
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> on the intercomm handler returned from the spawn call as it should
>>>>>>> be.
>>>>>>> Well, calling the disconnect on the intercomm handler does halt the
>>>>>>> spwaner
>>>>>>> side but the wait is never completed since, as George points out,
>>>>>>> there is no
>>>>>>> disconnect call being made on the spawnee side.... and that brings
>>>>>>> me back
>>>>>>> to the beginning of the problem since, being a third party app, that
>>>>>>> call would
>>>>>>> never be there. I guess an mpi wrapper to deal with that could be
>>>>>>> made for
>>>>>>> the app, but I fell the wrapper itself, at the end, would face the
>>>>>>> same problem
>>>>>>> we face right now.
>>>>>>> My application is a genetic algorithm code that search optimal
>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>> (minimum or maximum energy) of cluster of atoms. The work flow
>>>>>>> bottleneck
>>>>>>> is the calculation of the cluster energy. For the cases which an
>>>>>>> analytical
>>>>>>> potential is available the calculation can be made internally and
>>>>>>> the workload
>>>>>>> is distributed among slaves nodes from a master node. This is also
>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> when an analytical potential is not available and the energy
>>>>>>> calculation must
>>>>>>> be done externally by a quantum chemistry code like dftb+, siesta
>>>>>>> and Gaussian.
>>>>>>> So far, we have been running these codes in serial mode. No need to
>>>>>>> say that
>>>>>>> we could do a lot better if they could be executed in parallel.
>>>>>>> I am not familiar with DMRAA but it seems to be the right choice to
>>>>>>> deal with
>>>>>>> job schedulers as it covers the ones I am interested in (pbs/torque
>>>>>>> and loadlever).
>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>> 2014-12-13 7:49 GMT-02:00 Gilles Gouaillardet <
>>>>>>> gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> George is right about the semantic
>>>>>>>> However i am surprised it returns immediatly...
>>>>>>>> That should either work or hang imho
>>>>>>>> The second point is no more mpi related, and is batch manager
>>>>>>>> specific.
>>>>>>>> You will likely find a submit parameter to make the command block
>>>>>>>> until the job completes. Or you can write your own wrapper.
>>>>>>>> Or you can retrieve the jobid and qstat periodically to get the job
>>>>>>>> state.
>>>>>>>> If an api is available, this is also an option.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>>> George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> You have to call MPI_Comm_disconnect on both sides of the
>>>>>>>> intercommunicator. On the spawner processes you should call it on the
>>>>>>>> intercom, while on the spawnees you should call it on the
>>>>>>>> MPI_Comm_get_parent.
>>>>>>>>   George.
>>>>>>>> On Dec 12, 2014, at 20:43 , Alex A. Schmidt <a...@ufsm.br> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Gilles,
>>>>>>>> MPI_comm_disconnect seem to work but not quite.
>>>>>>>> The call to it returns almost immediatly while
>>>>>>>> the spawn processes keep piling up in the background
>>>>>>>> until they are all done...
>>>>>>>> I think system('env -i qsub...') to launch the third party apps
>>>>>>>> would take the execution of every call back to the scheduler
>>>>>>>> queue. How would I track each one for their completion?
>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>> 2014-12-12 22:35 GMT-02:00 Gilles Gouaillardet <
>>>>>>>> gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>> Alex,
>>>>>>>>> You need MPI_Comm_disconnect at least.
>>>>>>>>> I am not sure if this is 100% correct nor working.
>>>>>>>>> If you are using third party apps, why dont you do something like
>>>>>>>>> system("env -i qsub ...")
>>>>>>>>> with the right options to make qsub blocking or you manually wait
>>>>>>>>> for the end of the job ?
>>>>>>>>> That looks like a much cleaner and simpler approach to me.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>>>> "Alex A. Schmidt" <a...@ufsm.br> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Gilles,
>>>>>>>>> Ok, I believe I have a simple toy app running as I think it
>>>>>>>>> should:
>>>>>>>>> 'n' parent processes running under mpi_comm_world, each one
>>>>>>>>> spawning its own 'm' child processes (each child group work
>>>>>>>>> together nicely, returning the expected result for an mpi_
>>>>>>>>> allreduce call).
>>>>>>>>> Now, as I mentioned before, the apps I want to run in the spawned
>>>>>>>>> processes are third party mpi apps and I don't think it will be
>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>> to exchange messages with them from my app. So, I do I tell
>>>>>>>>> when the spawned processes have finnished running? All I have to
>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>> with is the intercommunicator returned from the mpi_comm_spawn
>>>>>>>>> call...
>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>> 2014-12-12 2:42 GMT-02:00 Alex A. Schmidt <a...@ufsm.br>:
>>>>>>>>>> Gilles,
>>>>>>>>>> Well, yes, I guess....
>>>>>>>>>> I'll do tests with the real third party apps and let you know.
>>>>>>>>>> These are huge quantum chemistry codes (dftb+, siesta and
>>>>>>>>>> Gaussian)
>>>>>>>>>> which greatly benefits from a parallel environment. My code is
>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>> a front end to use those, but since we have a lot of data to
>>>>>>>>>> process
>>>>>>>>>> it also benefits from a parallel environment.
>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>> 2014-12-12 2:30 GMT-02:00 Gilles Gouaillardet <
>>>>>>>>>> gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org>:
>>>>>>>>>>>  Alex,
>>>>>>>>>>> just to make sure ...
>>>>>>>>>>> this is the behavior you expected, right ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2014/12/12 13:27, Alex A. Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Gilles,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, very nice!
>>>>>>>>>>> When I excute
>>>>>>>>>>> do rank=1,3
>>>>>>>>>>>     call  MPI_Comm_spawn('hello_world','
>>>>>>>>>>> ',5,MPI_INFO_NULL,rank,MPI_COMM_WORLD,my_intercomm,MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE,status)
>>>>>>>>>>> enddo
>>>>>>>>>>> I do get 15 instances of the 'hello_world' app running: 5 for each 
>>>>>>>>>>> parent
>>>>>>>>>>> rank 1, 2 and 3.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot, Gilles.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best regargs,
>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>> 2014-12-12 1:32 GMT-02:00 Gilles Gouaillardet 
>>>>>>>>>>> <gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org
>>>>>>>>>>>  :
>>>>>>>>>>>  Alex,
>>>>>>>>>>> just ask MPI_Comm_spawn to start (up to) 5 tasks via the maxprocs
>>>>>>>>>>> parameter :
>>>>>>>>>>>        int MPI_Comm_spawn(char *command, char *argv[], int maxprocs,
>>>>>>>>>>> MPI_Info info,
>>>>>>>>>>>                          int root, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm 
>>>>>>>>>>> *intercomm,
>>>>>>>>>>>                          int array_of_errcodes[])
>>>>>>>>>>>        maxprocs
>>>>>>>>>>>               - maximum number of processes to start (integer, 
>>>>>>>>>>> significant
>>>>>>>>>>> only at root)
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2014/12/12 12:23, Alex A. Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Gilles,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply. The "env -i PATH=..." stuff seems to work!!!
>>>>>>>>>>> call system("sh -c 'env -i PATH=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin:/bin mpirun 
>>>>>>>>>>> -n 2
>>>>>>>>>>> hello_world' ")
>>>>>>>>>>> did produce the expected result with a simple openmi "hello_world" 
>>>>>>>>>>> code I
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>> I might be harder though with the real third party app I have in 
>>>>>>>>>>> mind. And
>>>>>>>>>>> I realize
>>>>>>>>>>> getting passed over a job scheduler with this approach might not 
>>>>>>>>>>> work at
>>>>>>>>>>> all...
>>>>>>>>>>> I have looked at the MPI_Comm_spawn call but I failed to understand 
>>>>>>>>>>> how it
>>>>>>>>>>> could help here. For instance, can I use it to launch an mpi app 
>>>>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>>>>> option "-n 5" ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>> 2014-12-12 0:36 GMT-02:00 Gilles Gouaillardet 
>>>>>>>>>>> <gilles.gouaillar...@iferc.org
>>>>>>>>>>>  :
>>>>>>>>>>>  Alex,
>>>>>>>>>>> can you try something like
>>>>>>>>>>> call system(sh -c 'env -i /.../mpirun -np 2 /.../app_name')
>>>>>>>>>>> -i start with an empty environment
>>>>>>>>>>> that being said, you might need to set a few environment variables
>>>>>>>>>>> manually :
>>>>>>>>>>> env -i PATH=/bin ...
>>>>>>>>>>> and that being also said, this "trick" could be just a bad idea :
>>>>>>>>>>> you might be using a scheduler, and if you empty the environment, 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> scheduler
>>>>>>>>>>> will not be aware of the "inside" run.
>>>>>>>>>>> on top of that, invoking system might fail depending on the 
>>>>>>>>>>> interconnect
>>>>>>>>>>> you use.
>>>>>>>>>>> Bottom line, i believe Ralph's reply is still valid, even if five 
>>>>>>>>>>> years
>>>>>>>>>>> have passed :
>>>>>>>>>>> changing your workflow, or using MPI_Comm_spawn is a much better 
>>>>>>>>>>> approach.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Gilles
>>>>>>>>>>> On 2014/12/12 11:22, Alex A. Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear OpenMPI users,
>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding to this previous 
>>>>>>>>>>> post<http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php>
>>>>>>>>>>>  <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/users/2009/06/9560.php> 
>>>>>>>>>>> from 2009,
>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder if the reply
>>>>>>>>>>> from Ralph Castain is still valid. My need is similar but quite 
>>>>>>>>>>> simpler:
>>>>>>>>>>> to make a system call from an openmpi fortran application to run a
>>>>>>>>>>> third party openmpi application. I don't need to exchange mpi 
>>>>>>>>>>> messages
>>>>>>>>>>> with the application. I just need to read the resulting output file
>>>>>>>>>>> generated
>>>>>>>>>>> by it. I have tried to do the following system call from my fortran 
>>>>>>>>>>> openmpi
>>>>>>>>>>> code:
>>>>>>>>>>> call system("sh -c 'mpirun -n 2 app_name")
>>>>>>>>>>> but I get
>>>>>>>>>>> **********************************************************
>>>>>>>>>>> Open MPI does not support recursive calls of mpirun
>>>>>>>>>>> **********************************************************
>>>>>>>>>>> Is there a way to make this work?
>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
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