With array bounds checking your program returns an out-of-bounds error
in the mpi_isend call at line 104.  Looks like 'send_request' should be
indexed with 'sendcount', not 'icount'.

T. Rosmond

On Thu, 2015-01-08 at 20:28 +0100, Diego Avesani wrote:
> the attachment
> Diego
> On 8 January 2015 at 19:44, Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         Dear all,
>         I found the error. 
>         There is a  Ndata2send(iCPU) instead of Ndata2recv(iCPU).
>         In the attachment there is the correct version of the program.
>         Only one thing, could do you check if the use of MPI_WAITALL
>         and MPI_BARRIER is correct?
>         Thanks again
>         Diego
>         On 8 January 2015 at 18:48, Diego Avesani
>         <diego.aves...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 Dear all,
>                 thanks thank a lot, I am learning a lot.
>                 I have written a simple program that send vectors of
>                 integers from a CPU to another.
>                 The program is written (at least for now) for 4 CPU.
>                 The program is quite simple:
>                 Each CPU knows how many data has to send to the other
>                 CPUs. This info is than send to the other CPUS. In
>                 this way each CPU knows how may data has to receive
>                 from other CPUs.
>                 This part of the program works.
>                 The problem is in the second part.
>                 In the second part, each processor sends a vector of
>                 integer to the other processor. The size is given and
>                 each CPU knows the size of the incoming vector form
>                 the first part of the program.
>                 In this second part the program fails and I do not
>                 know why.
>                 In the attachment you can find the program. Could you
>                 please help me. Problably I didn't understand properly
>                 the ISEND and IRECV subroutine. 
>                 Thanks again
>                 Diego
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