Hi all.

I believe there is a bug in event_base_loop() function from file event.c (opal/mca/event/libevent2022/libevent/).

Consider the case when application is going to be finalized and both event_base_loop() and event_base_loopbreak() are called in the same time in parallel threads.

Then if event_base_loopbreak() happens to acquire lock first, it will set "event_base->event_break = 1", but won't send any signal to event loop, because it did not started yet.

After that, event_base_loop() will acquire the lock and will clear event_break flag with the following statement: "base->event_gotterm = base->event_break = 0;". Then it will go into polling with timeout = -1 and thus block forever.

This issue was reproduced on a custom compiler (using Lulesh benchmark and x86 4-core PC), but it can be also reproduced for me with GCC compiler (on almost any benchmark and in same HW settings) by putting some delay to orte_progress_thread_engine() function:

static void* orte_progress_thread_engine(opal_object_t *obj)
    while (orte_event_base_active) {
usleep(1000); // add sleep to allow orte_ess_base_app_finalize() set orte_event_base_active flag to false
      opal_event_loop(orte_event_base, OPAL_EVLOOP_ONCE);

I am not completely sure what should be the best fix for described problem.

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