Dear Open MPIers:

I have been using MPI for many years, most recently Open MPI. But I have just encountered the first situation in which it will be helpful to create communicators (for an unstructured sparse matrix algorithm).

I have identified two ways I could create the communicators I need.
Where P denotes the number of MPI processors, Option A is:
  1.  Exchange of messages between processors of adjacent rank
      [O(1) message rounds (one up, one down)]
  2.  One scan operation
      [O(log P) message rounds]
  3.  One or two calls to MPI_COMM_SPLIT
      [Unknown complexity]
Option B is:
  1.  Three scan operations (one in reverse direction)
      [O(log P) message rounds + time to make reverse communicator]
  2.  Each processor calls MPI_GROUP_RANGE_INCL and MPI_COMM_CREATE
      at most twice
      [Unknown complexity]

All the groups/communicators I am creating are stride-1 ranges of contiguous processors from MPI_COMM_WORLD. Some of them could overlap by one processor, hence the possible need to call MPI_COMM_SPLIT or MPI_COMM_CREATE twice per processor.

Option A looks easier to code, but I wonder whether it will scale as well, because I am not sure about the complexity of MPI_COMM_SPLIT. What are the parallel message complexities of MPI_COMM_SPLIT and MPI_COMM_CREATE? I poked around the web but could not find much on this topic.

For option B, I will need to make a communicator that has the same processes as MPI_COMM_WORLD, but in reverse order. This looks like it can be done easily with MPI_GROUP_RANGE_INCL with a stride of -1, but again I am not sure how much communication is required to set up the communicator -- I would guess O(log P) rounds of messages.

Any advice or explanation you can offer would be much appreciated.

   Professor Jonathan Eckstein
   Rutgers University

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