I have pushed the changes to the OMPI master. It took a little bit more than I 
had hoped due to the changes to the ORTE infrastructure, but hopefully this 
will meet your needs. It consists of two new tools:

(a) orte-dvm - starts the virtual machine by launching a daemon on every node 
of the allocation, as constrained by -host and/or -hostfile. Check the options 
for outputting the URI as you’ll need that info for the other tool. The DVM 
remains “up” until you issue the orte-submit -terminate command, or hit the 
orte-dvm process with a sigterm.

(b) orte-submit - takes the place of mpirun. Basically just packages your app 
and arguments and sends it to orte-dvm for execution. Requires the URI of 
orte-dvm. The tool exits once the job has completed execution, though you can 
run multiple jobs in parallel by backgrounding orte-submit or issuing commands 
from separate shells.

I’ve added man pages for both tools, though they may not be complete. Also, I 
don’t have all the mapping/ranking/binding options supported just yet as I 
first wanted to see if this meets your basic needs before worrying about the 

Let me know what you think

> On Jan 21, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Mark Santcroos <mark.santcr...@rutgers.edu> 
> wrote:
> Hi Ralph,
> All makes sense! Thanks a lot!
> Looking forward to your modifications.
> Please don't hesitate to through things with rough-edges to me!
> Cheers,
> Mark
>> On 21 Jan 2015, at 23:21 , Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> Let me address your questions up here so you don’t have to scan thru the 
>> entire note.
>> PMIx rationale: PMI has been around for a long time, primarily used inside 
>> the MPI library implementations to perform wireup. It provided a link from 
>> the MPI library to the local resource manager. However, as we move towards 
>> exascale, two things became apparent:
>> 1. the current PMI implementations don’t scale adequately to get there. The 
>> API created too many communications and assumed everything was a blocking 
>> operation, thus preventing asynchronous progress
>> 2. there were increasing requests for application-level interactions to the 
>> resource manager. People want ways to spawn jobs (and not just from within 
>> MPI), request pre-location of data, control power, etc. Rather than having 
>> every RM write its own interface (and thus make everyone’s code 
>> non-portable), we at Intel decided to extend the existing PMI definitions to 
>> support those functions. Thus, an application developer can directly access 
>> PMIx functions to perform all those operations.
>> PMIx v1.0 is about to be released - it’ll be backward compatible with PMI-1 
>> and PMI-2, plus add non-blocking operations and significantly reduce the 
>> number of communications. PMIx 2.0 is slated for this summer and will 
>> include the advanced controls capabilities.
>> ORCM is being developed because we needed a BSD-licensed, fully featured 
>> resource manager. This will allow us to integrate the RM even more tightly 
>> to the file system, networking, and other subsystems, thus achieving higher 
>> launch performance and providing desired features such as QoS management. 
>> PMIx is a part of that plan, but as you say, they each play their separate 
>> roles in the overall stack.
>> Persistent ORTE: there is a learning curve on ORTE, I fear. We do have some 
>> videos on the web site that can help get you started, and I’ve given a 
>> number of “classes" at Intel now for that purpose. I still have it on my 
>> “to-do” list that I summarize those classes and post them on the web site.
>> For now, let me summarize how things work. At startup, mpirun reads the 
>> allocation (usually from the environment, but it depends on the host RM) and 
>> launches a daemon on each allocated node. Each daemon reads its local 
>> hardware environment and “phones home” to let mpirun know it is alive. Once 
>> all daemons have reported, mpirun maps the processes to the nodes and sends 
>> that map to all the daemons in a scalable broadcast pattern.
>> Upon receipt of the launch message, each daemon parses it to identify which 
>> procs it needs to locally spawn. Once spawned, each proc connects back to 
>> its local daemon via a Unix domain socket for wireup support. As procs 
>> complete, the daemon maintains bookkeeping and reports back to mpirun once 
>> all procs are done. When all procs are reported complete (or one reports as 
>> abnormally terminated), mpirun sends a “die” message to every daemon so it 
>> will cleanly terminate.
>> What I will do is simply tell mpirun to not do that last step, but instead 
>> to wait to receive a “terminate” cmd before ending the daemons. This will 
>> allow you to reuse the existing DVM, making each independent job start a 
>> great deal faster. You’ll need to either manually terminate the DVM, or the 
>> RM will do so when the allocation expires.
>> HTH
>> Ralph
>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 12:52 PM, Mark Santcroos <mark.santcr...@rutgers.edu> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ralph,
>>>> On 21 Jan 2015, at 21:20 , Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark
>>>>> On Jan 21, 2015, at 11:21 AM, Mark Santcroos <mark.santcr...@rutgers.edu> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ralph, all,
>>>>> To give some background, I'm part of the RADICAL-Pilot [1] development 
>>>>> team.
>>>>> RADICAL-Pilot is a Pilot System, an implementation of the Pilot (job) 
>>>>> concept, which is in its most minimal form takes care of the decoupling 
>>>>> of resource acquisition and workload management.
>>>>> So instead of launching your real_science.exe through PBS, you submit a 
>>>>> Pilot, which will allow you to perform application level scheduling.
>>>>> Most obvious use-case if you want to run many (relatively) small tasks, 
>>>>> then you really don;t want to go through the batch system every time. 
>>>>> That is besides the fact that these machines are very bad in managing 
>>>>> many tasks anyway.
>>>> Yeah, we sympathize.
>>> Thats always good :-)
>>>> Of course, one obvious solution is to get an allocation and execute a 
>>>> shell script that runs the tasks within that allocation - yes?
>>> Not really. Most of our use-cases have dynamic runtime properties, which 
>>> means that at t=0 the exact workload is not known.
>>> In addition, I don't think such a script would allow me to work around the 
>>> aprun bottleneck, as I'm not aware of a way to start MPI tasks that span 
>>> multiple nodes from a Cray worker node.
>>>>> I looked a bit better at ORCM and it clearly overlaps with what I want to 
>>>>> achieve.
>>>> Agreed. In ORCM, we allow a user to request a “session” that results in 
>>>> allocation of resources. Each session is given an “orchestrator” - the 
>>>> ORCM “shepherd” daemon - responsible for executing the individual tasks 
>>>> across the assigned allocation, and a collection of “lamb” daemons (one on 
>>>> each node of the allocation) that forms a distributed VM. The orchestrator 
>>>> can execute the tasks very quickly since it doesn’t have to go back to the 
>>>> scheduler, and we allow it to do so according to any provided precedence 
>>>> requirement. Again, for simplicity, a shell script is the default 
>>>> mechanism for submitting the individual tasks.
>>> Yeah, similar solution to a similar problem.
>>> I noticed that Exascale is also part of the motivation? How does this 
>>> relate to the pmix effort? Different part of the stack I guess.
>>>>> One thing I noticed is that parts of it runs as root, why is that?
>>>> ORCM is a full resource manager, which means it has a scheduler 
>>>> (rudimentary today) and boot-time daemons that must run as root so they 
>>>> can fork/exec the session-level daemons (that run at the user level). The 
>>>> orchestrator and its daemons all run at the user-level.
>>> Ok. Our solution is user-space only, as one of our features is that we are 
>>> able to run across different type of systems. Both approaches come with a 
>>> tradeoff obviously.
>>>>>> We used to have a cmd line option in ORTE for what you propose - it 
>>>>>> wouldn’t be too hard to restore. Is there some reason to do so?
>>>>> Can you point me to something that I could look for in the repo history, 
>>>>> then I can see if it serves my purpose.
>>>> It would be back in the svn repo, I fear - would take awhile to hunt it 
>>>> down. Basically, it just (a) started all the daemons to create a VM, and 
>>>> (b) told mpirun to stick around as a persistent daemon. All subsequent 
>>>> calls to mpirun would reference back to the persistent one, thus using it 
>>>> to launch the jobs against the standing VM instead of starting a new one 
>>>> every time.
>>> *nod* That's what I tried to do this afternoon actually with the 
>>> "--ompi-server", but that was not meant to be.
>>>> For ORCM, we just took that capability and expressed it as the “shepherd” 
>>>> plus “lamb” daemon architecture described above.
>>> ACK.
>>>> If you don’t want to replace the base RM, then using ORTE to establish a 
>>>> persistent VM is probably the way to go.
>>> Indeed, thats what it sounds like. Plus that ORTE is generic enough that I 
>>> can re-use it on other type of systems too.
>>>> I can probably make it do that again fairly readily. We have a developer’s 
>>>> meeting next week, which usually means I have some free time (during 
>>>> evenings and topics I’m not involved with), so I can take a crack at this 
>>>> then if that would be timely enough.
>>> Happy to accept that offer. At this stage I'm not sure if I would want a 
>>> CLI or would be more interested to be able to do this programmatically 
>>> though.
>>> Also more than willing to assist in any way I can.
>>> I tried to see how it all worked, but because of the modular nature of ompi 
>>> that was quite daunting. There is some learning curve I guess :-)
>>> So it seems that mpirun is persistent, and opens up a listening port, then 
>>> some orded's get launched that phone home.
>>> From there I got lost in the MCA maze. How do the tasks get unto the 
>>> compute nodes and started?
>>> Thanks a lot again, I appreciate your help.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mark
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